Switzerland and Liechtenstein

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Alright, so this is going to be a bit more about who they are as people and what they do in the modern era... not as much history, but meh

So, Swiss is a scientist who spends most of her time in her lab, keeping to herself and not getting involved in most, if not all drama. She tends to visit her own land because of the hadron collider, of which she cares more about than actual people. 

She isn't very emotional, is horrible at comforting people, and loves the hard sciences. Numbers and math make a lot more sense to her than people and their confusing emotions. 

She tends to live in her own world and can seem a bit rude as she tends to forget some manners or social niceties (such as not saying 'excuse me' when trying to get past someone) 

She often gets so lost in her work, that she sometimes forgets to take breaks to do things such as eating. But don't worry, she has Liech

Leich is her younger sibling, he does care a lot about his older sibling, and also loves science like she does. 

Unlike swiss, he actually does have some social skills. Hes a sweet, kind boy (not nice guy or incel) who enjoys the hard sciences like his sibling, but does care about her and worries that she isn't taking enough care of herself, he often reminds her that she should sleep or eat. So he often reminds her to do such things and wait for her to finish what she was doing (he is also scientist, they both sometimes deal with strong chemicals that should be stored properly, and neither of them want to come back to a destroyed lab) 

Liech is also introvert and spends most of his time in the lab as his sibling's lab assistant, he tends to follow swiss around the lab and listens to her...he is cute boi.

Where one is, the other isn't too far away. They are rather close. 

Swiss and Liech don't really get involved in drama and other people's conflicts, hence why they kept out of the world wars and such, although there were a bit paranoid back then and had defenses to avoid getting invaded. 

They are both rather book smart, and do rather keep to themselves. They have a lab buried in the side of the mountain where they do science stuff, a bit difficult to get to, but its just what they like/wanted 

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