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CH has unlimited sets of teeth, unlike humans who usually have just the 2 (baby and adult teeth) 

This is because some CH live for centuries and for most of history, dental hygiene wasn't exactly well known, and i don't want all my ch to lose their teeth when they are young (by human standards) and live for centuries with no teeth. 

So, they are like sharks in that they can regrow teeth, and when one loses a tooth, another will take its place. 

Also, wisdom teeth, well, some studies have said that its purpose was to help us eat and grind food and didn't need to be removed in ancient times as our jaws has been bigger (and by ancient times i mean back before homo sapiens, the specific type of human we are, had existed...i think) and there was also the chance in which a person could have already lost a tooth by the time they came in, so usually the teeth were just pushed around to close the gap and to make room for the new tooth. 

but im not an expert

If wisdom teeth existed for the second reason, then there would be no reason for CH to have wisdom teeth as their regular teeth would just grow in to replace the tooth that was lost. 

If it was for the first reason, it could stand to reason that the wisdom teeth would exist, but that would imply that those teeth would need to constantly get removed as they grew in, either that or their jaws would have to be big enough. 

So they don't get wisdom teeth...although it would be funny to see a ch drugged up on anesthesia after they got their wisdom teeth removed. 

Teeth tend to grow in once the previous tooth as been lost. When a CH is an actual child, they do get a set of baby teeth then as humans do, but all teeth afterwards are adult, the only difference is no wisdom teeth and there will be more incase they lose any. The third set of teeth and onwards are adult teeth and do tend to last as long as regular adult teeth, however long that is, is determined by how well the CH takes care of their teeth, and as their teeth do grow back in, its not high on their list of priorities. 

some people (such as UK, based off the stereotype, ik, but still) take horrible care of their teeth, and is always having to deal with them rotting and decaying even in the modern era, it isn't uncommon to see some people missing a few teeth. Although in the past, as we didn't have much knowledge on dental hygiene, this was everyone. 

Other people (such as america in modern times) actually take care of their teeth (when they can). So usually they aren't missing a few teeth at all times. This is only possible in more recent times as we have better dental hygiene and actually know things about tooth decay such as: suger = bad. 

So, in other words, it is completely possible for a CH to have a collection of hundreds of human teeth and for not many questions to be asked. 

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