Empires/Home countries

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So as I've mentioned that empires are different from their actual countries, and often times they did exist together. Although the empires controlled their colonies, their home country were in control of their own country, BUT, the empires often dealt with foreign affairs and far off wars, and negotiated with other countries/empires.

TBH the home countries of empires were a little spoiled as their empires actually cared for them, somewhat provided for them, and protected them, so they never really had to worry about much and often vibed, unless there was something at their borders or they were being invaded, the home countries didn't really do much and was often unaware of all the things (human rights violations) that their empires did to the native populations of their colonies

This does apply to a lot of the European empires who had colonies, but japan was also an empire that had quite a few colonies, so this also applies to her as well. 

after WW2 and decolonization, a lot of these empires died as they didn't really have any colonies left... (their ex-colonies may or may not have thrown a party, they really didn't like their colonizers)

Usually the empires didn't really go into detail on what they were doing to their colonies when talking to their home countries (who they often thought of as either they child or parent, depends on whos older, or maybe sibling if close enough in age) so homelands didn't really know the true extent of colonization, and the homelands weren't too unlike their capital, although they sometimes interacted to nearby home countries, it was mostly empires who talked and fought with other empires and actually independent countries 

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