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What would be best? An America who act like a mom to some of the other countries, especially the ones she helped raise? 

Or a badass America who can use a sword and has fought in his own wars, someone who can beat you up. 

Personally I am thinking of an America who used to get into a lot of fights and can certainly hold his own in a fight, but has kind of mellowed out over the centuries of her life, and sometimes will act like a mother to her states and the younger countries/organizations, and possibly has who know how many scars

Because America is centuries old and that should be addressed more in this fandom 

although America might be a bit childish not unlike how a parent sometimes seemingly gets more childish as either they or you get older 

also, america 100% puts a star on the dot of the i when writing, she have neat cursive since they've centuries of practice for that as cursive was more common (the declaration of independence is in cursive for crying out loud) but her print is rather sloppy and she accidently writes some cursive and it doesn't mix well

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