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Now, most ch (especially the older ones) tend to present as male due to sexism and patriarchy and all that. 


she has a more matriarchal society (according to some friends on discord, i'm a bit tired as i'm writing this so i might do more research later)  

so she would probably not feel the need to present as male as most countries had, mostly in the past. 

officially there isn't a gender divide, so perhaps Bhutan would have both masculine and feminine tendencies, but once she realized that most people preferred being male over (what she thinks) is the most stupid reason ever, she does lean a bit more into her feminine side and wears more feminine clothing. because fuck their bullshit. 

she recognizes neither china nor taiwan has actual countries so she'd probably just prefer to live in peace up on a mountain somewhere away from everyone's bullshit and drama

and in hindsight would probably get along well with scientist swiss who is just as out of the loop on ch drama as she is. and whos also too focused on science (and perhaps making sure said science is well funded) she and liech are good friends, as swiss might be a bit busy to realize she visited so usually liech and bhu end up talking as swiss finishes and puts away what she was doing. 

She has wings as well, which makes navigating the mountains easy, and when anybody gets lost she ends up being able find them due to her knowledge and ability to navigate the mountains, and is always surprised because she either didn't know they were missing or were even in the mountains in the first place

she often visits other people who lives on the mountains, (mostly liech) and she lives on the top of her mountain where is it extremely hard to access unless you have wings, so most people don't really ever visit, and she is happy. although china does come by wanting her to recognize him...or at least he did once and then got pushed off a cliff for his efforts. 

unfortunately i haven't done any research on nepal, he'd probably live on a nearby mountain and be friends, although i think nepal would prefer actually climbing mountains rather than flying that bhutan loves (again, 0 research, so this is subject to change) 

i wonder if she would invite tibet to her mountain to get away from china and to vibe in peace, because all tibet wants to do is vibe in peace. 

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