Ex-colonies (again)

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The countries who used to be colonies have a club where they usually get together and make fun of the empires who colonized them

It is also like a group therapy w/o a therapist for the way they were either neglected or abused by their empires  

And perhaps enjoy the sheer fact that they are still alive and their empires aren't

They sometimes talk about their native personifications and how they were better than their empires, but usually this is for those who were raised by the native personifications, as somethings the empire found the personification and let them grow up in their settlements (an example is that Canada was found by French empire early on, but America was raised by some native tribes, and wasn't found till quite a few decades later [unless you count when Roanoke was made, but due to unfortunate events, he didn't stay], but he was still a colony when he was found and forced to live in the settlements with the original 13) 

(note: this club is for personifications who themselves were once a colony, not the children of a country who was once a colony)

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