Social media

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The country humans can have an account on most social media websites, they are usually verified so people would know that they are the actual countryhumans. 

There is also a social media website the is strictly for personifications, no mortals are allowed. Nobody knows what goes on in this site, and I don't think I want to know either.

For some reason, on this Countryhuman media app, there is an anonymous account that often posts CH fanart (mostly nsfw) there and nobody knows who it is, there is also another account who enjoys posting fanfics (also nsfw) 

Plot twist: its the UN and NATO trolling everyone, UN posts fanart while NATO posts the fanfics, nobody knows its them and when their alt accounts get taken down, they make another. 

90% of what is posted is memes making fun of the person who posted it, their leader, or another country

It is usually frowned upon for mortals to roleplay as countries. 

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