Random (american) Statehuman facts

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This is some random state human headcanons of mine, i might add more to this in the future or make another chapter if this gets too long (I want these to be more wholesome, It's late at night and I'm not in the mood for a ton of angst rn) 

- All of the states can ride horses 

- NJ has the Jersey devil as a pet (this is when America gave up on making sure they only have reasonable pets)

 - Quite a few states have pet horses and pet dogs/wolves because why not? Alaska has huskies

- Bigfoot is friends with the PNW states, but mostly Washington State

- Delaware has a license plate with just a "1" on it

- The rust belt states are good with machinery, and usually either race cars or fix them up

- The Dakotas usually call ND south and SD north just to fuck with everyone, and when people get annoyed at this, they will revert to calling each other Dakota because why not

- When Alaska was born and became a territory, America had asked Washington to keep an eye on her, and now they're rather close, with wash keeping an eye on Alaska 

- PA sometimes wears an Amish dress, but that's only to hide a sword in it. 

- Oregon is an artsy kid

- Hawaii is allergic to pineapple

- Texas is now allergic to red meat due to the lone star tick, but bold of anyone to assume that will ever stop him from eating steak and the like

- None of the states have wings or any animal parts as 1. I'm lazy, 2. 50 states, not all of them are going to get animal parts 3. this might cause more division between the states and some might take advantage of the other's animal parts (like using a dog whistle) 4. imma make it a thing only ch can have 

- The states have a human form as well, and like America, most of them aren't white (or fully white)

As for the ethnicity of the random states, imma be a bit generic here (50 states is a lot)

- A lot of the northeastern states are white, some burn in the sun, others can fair better

- Most/if not all of the southern states are part African-American (but also part white)

- The states that used to be part of Mexico are Hispanic, and so is Florida as he was part of the Spanish empire  

- A lot of the western states that weren't part of Mexico (including Wyoming, a tiny part used to be in Texas, but I'm not counting it) are native American (as for which tribe, that depends on the state and research I might do one day) 

- Alaska is either fully Inuit or part Inuit and part Russian while Hawaii is fully native Hawaiian 

Now, I'm not sure if i ever put my circus headcanon in this book, but i'm putting it in now.

Anyways, after the american civil war, america wasn't exactly in the best state of mind... so he decided to go clear his head by wandering around in the wild west... eventually becoming an outlaw, so this begs the question of what about the states/territories he had at the time?

well, they decided to also travel about together, and one of the best ways to do that was to become a travelling circus. It took a lot of practice and it wasn't very good when it first began, but if they accidently died, they could just revive as they're personifications, and they get to make money as they travel to keep themselves fed and all that. Now occasionally america will visit to make sure they're alright, or that the younger states are being taken care of and making friends with the other states, or to make sure that they haven't run out of cash or anything of the sort, but he still didn't exactly have the best state of mind quite yet. 

now, this did kinda end around WW1 (as did the circuses in general kinda did die down around then) But, the states still do have the skills they learned from the circus, and as they adopted the animals for the circus so they'd be immortal, they still have the trained circus animals to this day. 

Also, i probably have more SH HCs I'm forgetting, as i do talk quite a bit about them, but I haven't exactly written them down anywhere i do kind of forget them. (Also I'm open to suggestions for more random HCs about states, I might add them if I like them, but even if I don't, i do enjoy talking about HCs) 

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