History of le Island of Personifications

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So, this is the history of the island that the ch vibe on.

So this Island was magically created, mostly because I wanted an somewhat isolated society where they could vibe together, and i wanted them together because i wanted domestic fluff of couples living together w/o making it complicated 

And also an island would make the most sense, but the problem with that is the British would colonize it, so it was created via magic I've yet to explain, but it existed and only the personifications can use it 

Anyways, looking at past headcanons, a lot of the colonies had banded together to go behind their empire's backs, so they were able to work together to create a big enough pocket dimension and the island within that dimension for them to vibe and be safe from their empires and from the world itself, they also enchanted a bracelet or something (i've yet to decide) so that they could travel safely and any visitors they might bring. 

This was mostly the new world colonies as they were close enough to know each other and were born around the beginning of the age of colonization to have this going to most of their being colonies.

This was a monumental effort between them that took them who knows how long...lots of magic was involved. (and even when the island/dimension was finished, it took years for them to make all the adjustments and whatever else was needed for it)

Anyways, this was a sanctuary for them, a place where they could go and forget about their colonial troubles, and a place for them to socialize and show off whatever they learned/accomplished. They'd also teach each other some combat skills, and how to fight so that they might be able to defend themselves should they need to. 

and they occasionally brought people over, who would populate the island, lots of refugees (like escaped slaves from the trans-atlantic slave trade, or natives who were being pushed off their land and needing a safe place to stay, ect...) and if they were "smugglers" (actually pirates) they'd usually bring in their crew occasionally, and sometimes they stayed there as well. 

When the europeans decided to colonize more people, after the island were created, they'd often go and reach out to them, to tell them of the sanctuary and give them an item to help them travel to and fro from the island. 

When america gained his independence (as he was the first of the colonies there to do so) it did cause somewhat of an argument/debate as america wouldn't be a colony anymore, and the island was made for the colonies to have a safe place to be, and independent countries shouldn't know about it, but if everyone thought like that, then they'd all remain colonies forever. Guess we know who won that argument, and the island is for both colonies and former colonies

Also, with this being an island with their own people and civilization, there would also be a personification for it, she just goes by the name sanctuary and is child.

during the world wars, if the colony (or former) weren't taking part in the fighting, or were being conquered by someone, they'd often hide out on the island to just vibe and not deal with the war thing (like some colonies in asia who had troubles with the japanese) 

After WW2, there was an idea of bringing all the personifications to their island so as to hopefully avoid another conflict such as WW2 from ever happening again, tis a long debate, but due to the fact that more decolonization was about to be more of a thing and more of them would gain independence, as well as a good part of the world being left in shambles, it was decided that they would in fact do this. 

So after WW2 most of the ch moved to a random populated island in a pocket dimension that somehow has internet access because magic. 

Although there were a lot of adjustments made to the island to prepare for the increase in population and all that, mostly creating more sections of the island for new comers and housing for them. 

and as for the magic system for ch, i just realized today, that one of my AUs was essentially a magic system that would be perfect for my main headcanon land (albeit perhaps needs more thought into it) 

i've been trying to figure out a good magic system for the personifications FOR WEEKS and i already had one. one that was already written, and created BY ME 

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