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Alright, so as some of you may know, I like this ship

-------------mentions of rape...a lot of mentions of rape----------------------

But, I would like to point out thats its kinda abusive and toxic....mostly to TR

JE (usually) Tops and has a rapist kink (she likes to rape people)

And TR has a piss kink (golden shower time)

Most sex is initiated by JE, and its not always consensual, because rapist kink and JE doesn't really care (probably thinks rape isn't as a big deal as it is, perhaps downplays the effects it can have on the victims and often blames them, JE is not nor will they ever be a good person)

TR isn't entirely happy about this, but hes a subby toy to JE so ye, and due to the piss kink....

Well that makes me wonder if JE gets TR horny by pissing (or threating to piss) on him akin to how a dog would piss on a tree to mark its territory. 

Now, ofc JE likes to be a bit rough, because with being a rapist, you don't really care about the other person, because if you did, why tf would you be raping them? 

Now, with all this, I'm not really torturing JE all that much, mostly TR if anyone, so what of JE can't feel sexual pleasure?

I think its called Sexual anhedonia, which is when sexual stimulation or arousal doesn't feel pleasurable...Or maybe Orgasmic Anhedonia, which is when they don't feel pleasure during orgasm, but they do feel pleasure with stimulation and arousal. 

So JE mostly gets off on kinks alone, and on the degeneration of her current victim, she also has a somewhat high libido, and perhaps being unable to enjoy orgasms, means that she isn't entirely satisfied after sex. So she rapes the entire of east asia a bit too hard. 

So, with a rough top with a rapist kink, who also can't feel pleasure during orgasm and isn't satisfied... RIP TR's cunt (or dick, but its the vagina that gets the most abuse). 

Also, after looking it up, Orgasmic Anhedonia doesn't effect libido, so she would still have a sex drive

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