Mughal and his children

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India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh are children of Mughal 

afghan was fought between Mughal and Safavids and were their child and they both kidnapped the child from the other

India was once kidnaped by BE to use as a hostage aginst Mughal, where he was lured to a trap set by BE, where he was killed in front of India, who is now British raj (because trauma) and was just left there alone, crying, because BE didn't care about colonies

The eldest child is Afghan, then India as the second, and then Pakistan with Bangladesh as the youngest 

Mughal was formed in Kabul, which is what is now the capital of Afghanistan, forever ago, the Mongolian empire came and fucked everyone over and after it broke apart one of the pieces was the Ilkhanate, who had a child that was the Timurid empire, who is the parent of Mughal empire. 

I'm sure those empires and the like had other children as well, but I'm just here to record the genealogy of Mughal empire

Mughal empire was taken over by the British east India company, although Mughal was alive during this time, he didn't exactly agree with the company, so tried to resist him and hide his children, during this time, Pakistan and Bangladesh was born, but when BE came by and killed Mughal, they were too young to really remember him like India was. 

Afghan was eventually kept by the Safavids (after a while of both Safavids and Mughals kidnapping him) and as a result he was never under control of BE

After Mughal died, India, wanting to protect Pakistan and Bangladesh, had smuggled them away from British raj to Afghan to avoid being controlled by the British, while India had stayed to be the colony

This had the result of Afghan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh being rather close and afghan raising them to be Muslim while India stay Hindu as British raj, and Pakistan and Bangladesh not remembering India that well due to being to young to remember both Mughal and India that well

(fun fact: Mughal empire tried to create a religion called dil-i-ilahi, which was an attempted to merge some religion, not only Islam and Hinduism, but also Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Jainism...and it was just the one ruler who tried to make it a thing, there was a few attempts to revive the religion, attempts being the key word here) 

so when asked what religion Mughal was, his answer was just yes

Also, there was the whole great game thing between RE and BE over control of Afghanistan, so India's attempt to protect her younger siblings by sending away kinda backfired as now afghan has to worry about his siblings and their safety while 2 empires battled (politically) for control, which is described as a 19th century cold war, but the fear of possible invasion and occupation by either of the 2 powers did cause quite some worry and stress

Afghan remained independent from any foreign countries and empires who tried to control him, while India remind colony until their independence, in which after partition, Pakistan became a country, but Bangladesh was also part of his country until he became his own country. 

(Mughal's favorite child was Afghanistan) 

Also, out of these 4, only India was personally under the control of BE, so only India was the only to do particular colonial activities, that the empires may or may not have known. and also was the only one to get colonial treatment by an empire. 

India isn't exactly a vegetarian, but she doesn't eat a lot of meat, and often many days she would not eat meat. (and if she did eat meat, it'd probably be chicken, but never beef) 

Sometimes India snuck away to meet up with her siblings, but it could never be for too long lest she have been found out. 

In moderns India does have a strained relationship with her siblings due to the difference in lifestyle and religion, and not as close due to having been the only one to actually have been colonized and lived apart of them, although she would somewhat like to be closer to them, there seems to be a divide between them. 

India is the mom friend of the BRICS, and just a mom friend in general, does have a love-hate relationship with a lot  of people, and is trying to help Russia because of a current issue going on we all know (Russia is NOT Putin and personally doesn't support the war) 

Pakistan is the middle child who is sometimes ignored, but does have a rivalry with India over things because reasons. 

Bangladesh is the baby sibling, who is often teased by his brothers, but yet if need be, they'll take care of him and protect him. 

( this headcanon chapter was inspired by being in a VC who wanted to torture India, and we ended up doing a ton of research on Mughal empire) 

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