Colonial society

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Because colonies liked to get to know one another behind their empire's backs (as explained in previous chapters) they actually started a sort of secret society, they have a symbol that they like to put places so that colonies (and former colonies) would know about it. 

There is a symbol and a name for this society, but I'm not creative enough to come up with it. 

All the colonies, or countries/personifications who had been colonies at one point are apart of this. 

Those who are the children of colonies do know about it, and are members to a point, but full membership is only allowed to those who had actually been a colony or are a colony themselves

I am debating on making their meeting place an island...

...the island where the countries now all vibe together in peace in modern times

and I don't know where this island is, so perhaps it is a magic island, that can only be found via a particular way only colonies know... perhaps something to do with mysticism? I have no idea

Also I don't know if I should make this secret society like a cult, but it would be interesting. 

During wars or conflicts, the colonies would escape to this meeting place-island (if it does exist) so that they can avoid the conflict and hopefully their empires

But they can't live there forever (unfortunately) as they would sometimes have to return to their land/colony, so that their colonizer wouldn't get sus (i am going to use sus because i don't know how to spell suspiecious) of them not being there and wouldn't just destroy the land or colony (politically ofc) because they thought that the colony was somehow dead or something

(and because angst, i do love to torture countries) 

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