School Bully - Niragi X Male! Reader

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Summary: Y/N just starting attending a new school and already he has gained the world's worst possible bully

AU: High school

WARNING: Mentions of suicidal thoughts

*Y/N's POV*

It had only been my first at this new school and I already had about half the school's boys fawning over me.

But one of them took it to the next level. He would pin me against lockers, harass me, send me cruel notes, and much more.

I hated it. I've told him before to lay off, but he ignored me and continued to harass me. The boy was of the delinquent type.

He had every single person at this school terrified of him and at this command. His name was Niragi Suguru.

I loathed this boy. He would just harass me day in and day out with no real reason to in the first place.

There were a few times where I thought he was being nice but in the end he would just leave cruel notes in my locker and on my desk.

I hating going to this new school. If I said anything to anyone they would just turn a blind eye.

This boy was too powerful and too high up in the food chain. I shut my locker as I heard the hallway suddenly get quiet. That was my que to leave.

Before I could take off I heard someone call my name. I turned around only to be met by Niragi placing his hand on top of my head.

"Hey there kitten. Did you miss me?" I shook my head no causing Niragi to let out a sickening awe. "I missed you though kitten. We had so much fun last night.

But when I woke up, you were gone." Loud gasps and whispers filled the hall.

I looked up at Niragi who was wearing his oh so famous shit eating grin. "I wasn't with you last night. I was at home studying."

He just laughed at me. "Bullshit you were." Suddenly a boy with tattoos all over his face pulled Niragi away from me. "Leave him. He isn't worth our time. We have better things we could be doing."

Niragi scoffed, "Whatever. See you in class kitten." I cringed at the memory. I have every single class with that asshole. Plus English with the tattoo guy too.

I was around him all day, listening to his remarks, reading his notes, having him beat up on me, it drove me fucking nuts.

I tried to get away from him at lunch, but he'd always find me. I could never really get away.

I wandered into my first class and Niragi was sitting in the chair next to mine.

This was nothing new, but the walk to my desk felt like a walk down death row. Everyone stared at me as they whispered among themselves.

Once I sat down Niragi scooted his chair closer to mine and put his arm around my shoulder. "Hey kitten. You having a good morning?"

I shook my head no, he just laughed. "Why don't you tell me the truth?" I looked at him in fear. "What do you mean?"

"So my little kitten does talk. I know you want my body and that's fine. I want you too." I felt a blush make its way to my face as I tried to search for the right words to deny him.

"Is that your confession to me?" Suddenly he smacked the back of my head followed by a loud laugh. "As if! Who would ever like a freak like you?!"

He continued to laugh as I pulled out my things for class. "You're right Niragi. No one can ever like me. I guess I'm just so useless and unlovable."

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