Just Talk to Him - Last Boss X Male! Reader

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A/N: Alright look, I know what you're all thinking. "Why Last Boss?" "He's not that attractive." Hush okay. Go look up photos of his actor out of make up. That man is a solid 3000/10. Plus I think a lot about laying down with Last Boss and just tracing his tattoos with my fingers. Shut it I'm lonely okay?

Summary: Y/N has been secretly admiring Last Boss ever since he got to The Beach. One night he finally finds the courage to say something to him about it.

*Y/N's POV*

There he was. He was right in front of me. Just hanging out in VIP with the rest of the militants. He was just there. Last Boss. He was a popular name around The Beach.

And when I say popular, I mean popular in a scary way. People feared him, I think it was because he was all tatted up and just gave off a creep vibe.

But he actually didn't lack when it came to looks. At least I found him pretty attractive. He was amazing. No one could deny it. "Hey Y/N."

I blinked twice as a pale blur flashed by multiple times in front of my face. The hand suddenly stopped so that it was blocking my view of Last Boss.

"God damn it, Hiro! Move your fucking hand! I can't see Last Boss." Hiro stifled a small laugh, Misaki's voice suddenly cut in.

"Aw, you want to see your scary ass crush?" "Just be quiet, Misaki." I hissed at the girl. "YO LAST BOSS! COME OVER HERE FOR A SECOND!"

Hiro and Misaki both yelled in Last Boss' direction. They had a fucking death wish. I quickly grabbed the two of them by their shoulders and yanked them down.

"What the fuck is wrong with you dumbasses?!" Both Misaki and Hiro just snickered.

"Calm down, he probably didn't hear us over the music. Hiro and I know about your gay crush on Last Boss." I huffed, "So what?" Hiro cut in, "We just want our little Y/N to be happy.

Even if you want to date a complete manic." Hiro slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I really hated these two sometimes.

"We're only doing this because we care for you. We can't stand to see you drooling over someone like that. Plus, whenever you're close to him the sexual tension in the air is so suffocating." Hiro said in a dramatic tone.

Misaki smiled, "Most of The Beach knows that whenever you two are in the same room together, you guys just want to viciously make out with each other."

I felt my face heat up almost instantly at the thought. "We do not want to make out at all! That's just gross of you two to even think about!"

The two broke down in a fit of laugher. I groaned, "Will you two just shut up before someone hears you?"

Once they calmed themselves Misaki spoke up, "Y/N, you need to stop being such a coward and fucking talk to him already. Worse comes to worse, he just kills you."

"I will. I will. I'm just not ready yet." "Ready for what?"

I spun around only to come face to face with Last Boss. I felt my heart almost jump right out of my chest. He was so close to me.

I was wrecking my brain to find the proper words, but I came up blank. "H-Hey there Last Boss. How are you doing?" Last Boss shifted his attention to Misaki, who I could see was nervous.

"Fine." "That's great. You know we're working hard as always." Hiro chimed in, he was also nervous. Can't believe these two had been lecturing me about being a coward.

"Actually Last Boss, I wanted to congratulate you on getting that spades card the other night." Misaki said, she was trying to kiss up.

Last Boss stared at Misaki and just examined her, for some reason it made my blood boil. Did he think she was hitting on him?

He didn't say anything. He just kept staring as if he was trying to burn a hole through her or something. It was kind of freaky.

Misaki looked over to me, looked for some kind of help or a way out. I didn't know what to do. Hiro finally decided to intervene.

Hiro placed his hand on Misaki's shoulder and smiled at her. "Misaki, let's go. I think these two deserve to be alone with each other. I'm sure they have a lot to talk about."

With that Hiro dragged Misaki away as they both giggled like a couple of young school girls. It was beyond embarrassing.

I shifted my eyes back to Last Boss. Neither of us said anything to each other.

We just kind of stood there awkwardly. I wasn't sure of what to say and I could tell that he knew that.

Why was it so hard to just say 'Hey there, my dumbass self thinks that I might be in love with your crazy ass self. Please give me a chance.' God that sounded fucking weird in my head. "So Y/N. How have you been?"

I jumped out of my skin a bit. That was the most he'd ever said to me. "I've been okay I guess. Working on card collecting. Same old same old. You know the usual." More awkward silence fell over us again. Okay that's it. I'm just going to come out and say it.

"Hey Last Boss." "It's Takatora," he interrupted. Did this man just tell me his name? Come on Y/N get to the fucking point. "Well Takatora, I have something I wanted to ask you." "What?" His voice was so stern but so fucking hot.

"I think I like you. I want to be with you. Like a lot. And I know we may be polar opposites but will you please allow me the chance to go out with you?" I watched him carefully.

I was surprised when I noticed a sly little smile grace his lips. "Sure. Why not? Nothing to lose." Before I could respond Takatora pulled me into himself. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.

Takatora took this opportunity to place his lips over mine. The kiss only lasted for a second, but it felt so good. He tasted a lot sweeter than I thought he would.

"You like that? Haven't kissed anyone in awhile so I might be a bit rusty." I smiled, "It felt good to me." Takatora chuckled as he kissed me again.


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