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THE AFTERMATH ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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283 AC, King's Landing

Alyssa! Alyssa! Someone fetch a Maester. Now!

What happened to her?

She has lost a lot of blood and has suffered a head trauma. There is nothing else I can do. Right now it's her own strength that decides if she lives or not.

You need to rest, Ned,

I won't leave until my sister is awake. That isn't even up for discussion.

Isn't your sister's state proof enough of what those silver haired sisterfuckers are capable of?

Please wake up, Alys. I won't be able to bear losing you.

Alyssa could despite her unconscious stare hear the voices around her. Sometimes they were unclear or unrecognisable. But other times she could clearly hear who was talking and what they were saying.

It felt like a dream to her. Or more like a nightmare because all she could see was black and no matter how hard she tried to open her eyes or talk, she just couldn't.

There was no way for her to tell how much time that had passed. For her it could have been minutes, hours, days, moons or years. With all the darkness there was no way of telling when the day turned into night and then day again. It was all just a night to her.

And then, suddenly, she felt a surge of energy run through her body. It was like she entire body had been tied together, and then one day someone loosened the ropes little by little, allowing her to spring free.

At first she could move her fingers again and that was when she once again tried to open her eyes. Her first tries failed, her eyelids feeling too heavy to lift. But then she managed to open them for a second, followed by a few seconds and finally her eyes fluttered open.

The room she was in was dark, but the moonlight made the contrasts of the furniture visible and she could even in her weakened state see that this wasn't her room. It wasn't a room she had been in before even.

Her head moved from side to side, trying to figure out where she was when she felt something move against her legs. With all the energy she had, Alyssa lifted up her head up to see that it was in fact a person.

A hunched over figure was seated on a chair beside her bed. The person was sleeping, using Alyssa's legs like a pillow, his entire upper body laying across the mattress.

She squinted her eyes, trying desperately to distinguish the person's features sense he was laying with his head towards her and when she finally did, her heart leaped in her chest.

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