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THE ANGER OF A MOTHER✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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302 AC, Kingsroad, North

"Why are we riding day and night?" Bronn complained. "It's not like the Wall will go anywhere anytime soon."

"No, but the people at the Wall might," Alyssa said pointedly, looking at her travelling companion. It was truly a weird combination of people she had decided to take with her on her travels. At first Rhaegar had insisted she take one of the Kingsguards or even Oberyn - but Alyssa had refused.

She needed them to stay in the camp and help her family. Arya had grown quite attached to the dornish Prince - or rather him teaching her to fight. And with both Catelyn and herself gone she had tasked him with helping Robb and the boys looking after Arya.

Jaime had tried to convince her to let him come along too but she knew that it wouldn't make anyone happy. Not to mention that she preferred to have Jaime close to the boys should anything happen - just like she wanted Rhaegar to be with Ella and Daeryn.

In the end Alyssa had decided to bring Brienne - she was her sworn shield after all and she had come to trust the taller woman more than many other people in her surroundings.

Since Podrick Payne now was Brienne's 'squire' he had also been allowed to come along on their journey. Alyssa quite enjoyed his company - even though the young man seemed to be nervous in the presence of most people.

Lastly Alyssa decided to take Bronn with her. Her reasoning was that the former sellsword would do what she told him to do without questioning it for as long as she paid him. It would give her one less thing to think about.

They had only been on the road for a few days and they were already halfway through the North. One of the many things Alyssa loathed about travelling with an entire army was how extremely slow everything went.

When the soft breeze blew her hair over her eyes Alyssa couldn't help but notice that the air felt chillier than it had done when they had left almost four years ago. Winter was truly coming.

Not that she minded. The cold air made her feel more alive than the sun of the south ever could. Perhaps it was the ice in her veins that thrived in the cold rather than heat.

"Why is it so bloody cold?" Bronn complained, pulling his cloak tighter, "How could anyone survive without their balls freezing and falling off."

"For someone who loves referring to the North as a 'frozen waste' you seem very surprised by the weather," Alyssa mocked, "You are riding in the wrong direction if you were hoping for some warmth. It will only get colder now."

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