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THE LOST KING✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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283 AC, Targaryen Camp, Riverlands

Rhaegar felt like he was marching towards his death.

His steps were heavy as he walked through the Targaryen camp, Ser Gerold following behind him like a quiet shadow. They had travelled to the Riverlands, towards the Trident where the rebel army was heading as well and he knew that the next day would decide the fate of Westeros.

Rhaegar opened the tent flap and stepped inside and he was shocked when he found a hooded figure inside his tent. Having heard his entrance the man looked up and pulled down the hood of his cloak to reveal his red haired friend. "Jon," Rhaegar said in shock and all of a sudden Ser Gerold had entered the tent as well, sword drawn until he realised who it was.

"My Prince," Jon bowed, "It's been some time."

"It has," Rhaegar said, still not understanding what his friend was doing there. "Jon, why are you here? I thought my father exiled you."

"He did," Jon said, the dark bruises under his eyes enough to show all the stress the Lord of Griffin's Roost had been under during the past year, "And he would have done a lot worse if it wasn't for your wife."

The mention of his wife felt like a stab in his heart. Seeing her again after a year gone had only managed to deepen his love for her. Too bad he had screwed everything up. Alyssa would never forgive him for this. Even if he won this battle he had lost what mattered the most to him.

"It seems I have underestimated her," Jon continued, "And for the first time I decided to listen to her. The last thing she told me before leaving was 'Find and serve your King, your true King'. So I am here to serve you, Your Grace."

Jon unsheathed his sword and kneeled before Rhaegar who didn't know what to say. Even though he had planned and thought of overthrowing his father, he wasn't prepared to be King. At least he didn't feel prepared at the moment. What King would rip his own kingdom apart?

"Rise," Rhaegar told his friend while moving further into the tent, "We have the numbers," Rhaegar said, pouring himself some water, "But despite that I feel like we have already lost. Robert Baratheon has won every battle but one despite the odds being against him every time."

"You have already given up, Your Highness," Ser Gerold noted, also walking into the tent, "A warrior that gives up has already lost."

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