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THE BEGINNING OF A GOLDEN AGE✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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304 AC, Winterfell

Getting married again wasn't something Alyssa ever thought she would do. She hadn't even thought it would happen a second time. This wedding would be to a man she already had wed over twenty years, but it was so much more than that.

It would be the starting point of a new era - and hopefully a more peaceful one. The marriage would finally be under a Heart Tree, before her own Gods, which in a way made it feel like she was getting married for real for the first time.

But unlike her previous nuptials, that both had taken place in the Sept of Baelor in front of hundreds of witnesses, this would be a quiet affair. Now was not the time to spend a lot of gold on a royal wedding, not when all the Seven Kingdoms were still recovering from years of civil wars.

Also, unlike her previous weddings, she did not have any of her fathers or brothers with her. Ned was the only one who had been with her both times and his presence would truly be missed. Losing Brandon had been difficult for her, but at least she had Ned and Benjen. Now she was all alone.

Sure, she still had her children and she was so grateful for them. But they didn't have the same comforting presence that her brothers had. It was her duty to bring them comfort, not the other way around.

"You look so beautiful, Mama," Joanna smiled sweetly when Alyssa finished getting ready for the ceremony. Her stormy grey eyes, that were so much like her own, glimmered with awe.

"Not even close to as beautiful as the two of you will look one day when you are wed," Alyssa looked fondly between her two youngest daughters.

Joanna's golden hair fell down to her waist in loose curls. Around her head she wore a circlet made out of leaves of gold that was the same shade as the golden embroidery on the yellow dress she wore. A beautiful necklace hung around her neck, with a ruby at the end.

Lucelia's dark brown hair was pulled away from her face by two braids from the crown of her head that met in a bun at the back. Her dress was grey with silver embroidery and around her neck hung a necklace similar to her sister but with a sapphire instead of a ruby.

"If you ever find a man worthy of you - which may never happen," Alyssa added playfully. "And even if you find one, I'm certain your father or brothers would find a way to chase him away - that is if Arya doesn't kill them before that happens."

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