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THE MANED WOLVES✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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286 AC, Casterly Rock

"For your own sake, I hope you are jesting!"


"No, don't try to talk your way out of this," Alyssa interrupted him, "You can't honestly think this is a good idea!"

Jaime ran a hand through his hair and sighed in frustration. He should have guessed Alyssa wouldn't be thrilled by his news, but what could he do?

Cersei was with child, his child. She had written to him about it shortly after he left King's Landing and she was now around three moons farther along than Alyssa, his wife, who was also carrying his child.

Jaime had really wanted to be a good husband to Alyssa. He knew it was a lame defence but he had really intended to treat her the way she truly deserved. But Cersei had a hold of him that he just couldn't break.

When she had called for him on her wedding night and he had seen her cry after Robert had entered their marriage bed drunk while muttering his former betrothed name he had seen red. And later when Cersei has proposed the idea of him fathering her children as a revenge at Robert he hadn't been able to say no.

He truly wasn't better than Rhaegar had been and while he hated himself for it, he loved Cersei too much to deny her anything. And now she had asked him to be there for her when she gave birth, the only problem was that Alyssa only was a few moons behind.

"Cersei has asked me to be there for her," Jaime tried to reason, "If one of your siblings asked you to come you wouldn't hesitate for a second."

"Well, if Ned or Ben wrote to me and told me that they wanted me there when they gave birth, I would have been such a historical moment that I simply couldn't have denied it," Alyssa snapped sarcastically.

"Cersei is the Queen, I can't very well deny her requests-"

"I was the princess before, but I was clever enough to know that it was unrealistic for my brother's to abandon their duties only to helplessly stand outside my bedchambers while I gave birth!"

"I would do the exact same thing for you," Jaime exclaimed, "and Cersei is much farther along than you, Aly. Only because I'm there for her doesn't mean I won't be here for you."

"Knowing your sister she would definitely find a way to keep you there out of spite," Alyssa snapped.

"When we wed you told me that you didn't except anything of me," Jaime snapped back, his own irritation and guilt causing his temper to bubble over, "We may be husband and wife, but there is nothing more between us. So why does my absence bother you so much? Don't even pretend that you wouldn't choose your brother's over me in a heartbeat!"

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