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THE FALSE KING✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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298 AC, King's Landing

"What is the meaning of this?" Alyssa narrowed her eyes at the Lannister men that stormed her chambers, "You dare to enter my private chamber's unannounced?"

"King Joffrey has requested your presence in the throne room," one of the men said.

"King? Does that mean-?" Alyssa shared a look with her sons, "Robert is dead?"

"His Grace, King Robert has passed and now the new King orders your presence," the same man replied, "and we are instructed to use force if needed."

"Force?" Alyssa asked in disbelief, "For whatever reason would you have to use violence to bring us to the Throne Room?"

The man's next words made Alyssa's blood run cold, "Lord Stark has been arrested for attempting to seize the throne and the Queen Regent has ordered the execution of the entire Stark household for their treason."

Alyssa gritted her teeth together, her wolfblood boiling dangerously. "My brother has been arrested?" she asked in disbelief before muttering a silent, "I left him alone for an hour."

Her thoughts then travelled to all of the northerners that was and probably still were slaughtered. They were all innocents that would die simply because they served her house.

"I must make sure my nieces are safe," Alyssa said firmly. While not even Cersei and Joffrey could be foolish enough to kill them, she needed them to be safe.

She was about to exit her chambers when the guard grabbed her arm harshly. Ashton and Edmund were both about to interfere when two other guards seized them.

"The King has ordered you-"

"If you don't take your hands of me and my children I will make sure your heads adore the walls of Casterly Rock before you have the chance to reach the Throne Room."

The guards loosened their grip on them, "My Lady, the Queen ordered-"

"But you do not serve the Queen, do you?" Alyssa said, "In my husbands absence I command all guards belonging to House Lannister, by orders from Lord Tywin. What do you think Tywin Lannister would say if he heard that you tried to drag his grandchildren and daughter in front of court like some common criminals?"

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