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THE SHE-WOLF'S AWAKENING ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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298 AC, King's Landing

Alyssa absolutely loathed the feeling of being helpless. Useless. And that was exactly how she felt at the moment. Since Sansa's stunt in the Throne Room she had been confined to her bedchambers. Wherever she went one of Cersei's men followed her around. Not Lannister men, Cersei's men.

This was the Mad King all over again. She felt like the young and powerless girl she had been the last time she lived in the Red Keep. And it made her worry because the last time hadn't worked out well for her.

Not even Varys wanted to help her to see her brother. They needed him to confess and there was nothing Alyssa could do to stop him.

A knock came from the door and when she called for the person to enter and a second later Varys stood inside her chambers. But since he hadn't allowed her to see her brother after Sansa's she was at odds with him too.

"My Lady," Varys bowed to her, "I come bearing news."

"How fun," Alyssa said dryly, turning back around to lean again the balcony railing in her chambers. She heard footsteps approach her but didn't bother turning back around.

"It seems your brother's eldest son - Robb I believe - is marching south with an army of northmen," Varys said and while Alyssa felt her heart drop but she refused to show it.

"What did Joffrey expect when he threw his father in the dungeons?" Alyssa asked, "It's what any son would have done."

"A loyal lad," Varys nodded, "But rash."

"What are you doing here Varys?" Alyssa asked him, "I doubt you only came here to inform me of my nephews march south."

"I spoke with your brother last night," Varys told her, "Tried to convince him swear his loyalty to Joffrey, but he is stubborn."

"The moment my brother confesses to his alleged crimes he will be as good as dead," Alyssa said, turning to look at Varys, "You know as well as I do that he is innocent. You cannot try to steal the throne from a King that has no right to the throne. You know as well as I do that Joffrey shouldn't come anywhere near the throne."

"But what are the other options?" Varys asked, "Stannis? Renly?"

"Stannis may be cold-hearted but he is a leader. And he has more right to the throne than Joffrey," Alyssa said, "There will be a war, you should know that. The question is who you choose to support."

"If your brother just admit to his sins Cersei will spare him as long as you keep her secret-"

"Are you truly that naive, Lord Varys?" Alyssa turned to look at the Master of Whispers, "Cersei may like to think that she makes the decision now, but she is wrong. It's very difficult to control a child once you've put a crown on his head."

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