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STAGS AND DRAGONS✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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303 AC, Stark-Targaryen Camp, Crownlands

Bash might not have been born a noble. He had spent the first years of his life in Flea Bottom, but those years were nothing but a vague memory now. A majority of his life he had spent amongst the most powerful families in the realm and he definitely wasn't unmindful of politics.

And while he didn't find it particularly amusing to spend his days playing the Game of Thrones he definitely wasn't oblivious to it. He was aware that he had a part to play and he was aware that how big that part was depended on what he wanted.

He hadn't actually been completely surprised when his mother suggested that he could rule the Stormlands. It wasn't something he had ever dreamt of but that didn't mean that he was completely opposed to it; especially not if it would help his family.

Since the Stormlords joined them he had noticed the looks he received. Bash had been told he looked a lot like his father, Robert Baratheon, did in his youth. He had the looks of a true Stag and the blood of a Baratheon running through his veins. For many that was all that mattered.

The upside of accepting the role as Lord of Storm's End was that it would help his family gain the support of the Stormlands so they could all get the justice they deserved; meanwhile he would also no longer be a bastard, not that had bothered him much before since he'd never really been treated like one; finally he would also inherit his own kingdom.

The downside was that he would lose his freedom. Growing up he had received the education any man of noble birth should receive, by Lannister standard, but unlike Ashton he had gotten out of a lot of the most boring parts.

He enjoyed hunting and fighting, but his father had proved that it definitely wasn't enough to rule. But in a way he felt like he owed it to his father to make sure that Storm's End wouldn't fall into the hands of someone else.

Not that Robert had done anything for him other than  impregnate the woman that gave birth to Bash. He hadn't been involved in his upbringing; despite that he still hadn't really forgiven the man for what he did to his mother, Jaime Lannister was the closest thing he had to a father. In the end, Bash and Robert had only ever had one true conversation father to son.

Alyssa has raised you well. Make sure to take care of her. She gave you a better life than I ever could have.

Those were one of the last things Robert had said to him, on his deathbed. It was a promise that he didn't have to hesitate before making because his family meant everything to him.

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