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THE QUEEN OF SARCASM✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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301 AC, Riverrun

"I'm never getting up before sunrise again," Edmund complained, his forehead leaned against the edge of the table as they broke their fast a few hours after Alyssa's return to Riverrun.

After chasing each other around the castle, waking up pretty much everyone else, there was no reason for anyone one of them to get back to bed. So when the kitchen staff was up they had asked for them to prepare their breakfast.

Catelyn, who still couldn't believe that her daughter was back, had forced Arya to eat and then personally escorted her to bed to make sure that the young girl got some sleep. Alyssa on the other hand saw no reason to go back to bed; especially after having seen her eldest son for the first in so many years. She was wide awake.

"Food will help," Alyssa told him, nibbling on a piece of bread. Normally they broke their fast in the Great Hall with their men but on this occasion they had decided to take it privately, "And if you don't straighten up I might give Ashton permission to throw the entire content of his goblet at you."

Edmund immediately straightened up, angling his chair away from Ashton so he was partially hidden behind Alyssa, "I'm just going to say it: people who enjoy waking up early are completely mad. I have now realised that I never wish to marry because my one true love will always be sleep."

"I shall take a fair guess and say that Edmund doesn't like mornings," Daeryn chuckled. For most of the morning he had kept mostly silent. He spoke when Alyssa asked him something and asked a few questions himself, but mostly he observed the chaos that was the rest of them.

"Aw, you are still in that phase where you find his personality amusing and not annoying," Ashton said, "Cherish that time because once you realise how irritating he is you won't be able to live peacefully ever again. I realised it around a fortnight after his birth."

"Ash, be nice to your brother," Alyssa chastised him half-heartedly, picking up her goblet to drink when the door opened and she froze just as it was about to touch her lips.

Rhaegar stopped dead in his tracks, not expecting to see her there after closer to two moons of separation. However, Alyssa's attention was less on him this time and more on the two women that entered behind him.

Her fingers tightened around the goblet and had it been glass and not metal she would have crushed it in her hands. Every time she saw one of her siblings after a long period of time she had always been elated - this was not one of these times.

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