You Are My Sunshine [A]

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| after l'manburg 2

Warnings: blood, injury, major character death, sadness
Type: Angst

Enjoy?? |

He had to be here. He had to have survived. Somewhere amongst the rubble and explosions and sobs of citizens he had to be here. Please please please please. Skeppy's hands and knees were raw and bloody as he moved rocks and dug through broken wood. His mind was racing and adrenaline pumped through his veins so heavily he didn't even notice the aches and burns in his body. Didn't even feel his weak knees threatening to give as he stumbled through the debris, nearly tripping countless times. "Bad?!" He called out, voice strained and broken. He kept yelling.

"Bad?! Please!" His lungs burned as he gasped in air. It tasted like ash and smelled like blood and gunpowder. He had grown used to the smell. He flipped a slab of stone. Nothing. He kicked a plank of wood. Nothing. He had to be here. He had to. "Bad!!" He started to shake and his throat tightened with the promise of crying. He sniffed and dug the heels of his hands into his eyes so hard he saw stars. He had to keep looking. Bad wasn't gone. He was still here, still alive. They still had so much to do together. "Bad!?" His voice was nearly gone.

Skeppy's ears picked up a sound. Above all the explosions and yelling, rubble crumbling and fire crackling, he heard a grunt. A human grunt. He spun in the direction of the sound. "Bad?! Are you here?!" Please. A groan. Skeppy ran over and fell to his knees, starting to dig through the dirt and stone. There was cloth. Black and red and ripped to shreds. There was a shift in the rubbled. Skeppy cleared the rest away, finding a body. Bad's body. He gasped and fell over Bad. He started sobbing. "Oh fuck thank the gods Bad I'm so glad you're ok fuck we're getting out of here I-"

Skeppy sat up, happy tears turned to grief. An iron pole, probably one from the execution stand, had lodged itself in Bad's chest. Just below his ribcage. "N-No. No no no no you- you were supposed to be ok! Y-You.." Panic set in. Bad wheezed, trying to avoid breathing too deeply as the pole was right next to his left lung. It had nearly pierced it when he fell into the crater. "No we'll- we'll get out of here we just gotta wait for help I promise you won't die I-" A weak hand reached up and cupped Skeppy's cheek. Skeppy shakily held onto the arm the hand was attached to.

Bad smiled weakly and wiped away Skeppy's steady stream of tears. A pained wheeze left him again. "Bad please, s-save your energy. I'll be fine I just..." His voice cracked, his bottom lip quivered, his breathing was uneven. "You are my sunshine..." Bad's voice was terrible. It randomly cut out like a poor cell connection, it was low and garbled like he was choking on a liquid. His own blood. "No. Don't do this." Skeppy shook like a leaf in a hurricane. "My only sunshine..." He shook his head. "Stop. Stop you'll make it."

The explosions stopped, but it wasn't silent. Far from it, infact. "You make me happy, when skies are gray..." Skeppy closed his eyes, trying to imagine being elsewhere. Their house. The bakery. The prime path. Hell, even the statue room with the stupid egg. Anywhere but here and now. The explosions started again. "Oh Skeppy you'll never know how," Bad wheezed and coughed, blood splattering over his torn cloak and dripping down his chin. "Much I love you.." His voice wasn't any better. Skeppy saw his green eyes dull down. No. No no no. Bad's eyes drooped shut before snapping open again.

"Don't fall asleep. Stay awake for me, yeah?" Skeppy took Bad's hand from his face and held it between his hands. He could hear footsteps. Help. Bad wheezed again, his hand squeezing one of Skeppy's. He felt so tired. So so tired. "Bad please! Please stay with me! I need you!" Tears fell and soaked into Bad's cloak. Or what was left of it. Bad's eyes started to roll back into his head. "Please don't take.. my sunshine... a-way.." His eyes fell closed. "Bad? Bad?! Bad!!" Skeppy didn't know how he managed to yell. Bad's arm finally went limp against Skeppy's chest. And it all shattered.

Bad's chest was still, his face drained of colour, his joints limp. It all hit at once. Skeppy started to shake. Then he started to scream. Pure anguish and agony in his broken voice. Footsteps pounded towards him as he continued to scream until his voice was nothing but a tragic sibling of static. He felt arms wrap around his torso and drag him away from Bad's body. He fought against the hold, wanting to go back to Bad. The arms squeezed tighter and pulled harder. Skeppy sobbed and called out broken "please"s. He looked at the other figure standing over Bad. He recognized it as Niki.

"Stop fighting! We gotta go! They're reloading the tnt!" Jack. Skeppy sniffed and stopped thrashing, letting Jack carry him out of the rubble. Fatigue settled in as soon as Jack threw him over his shoulder. Skeppy's eyes drooped. He felt heavy. He felt worn. Skeppy fell unconscious before he could even comprehend the fatigue.
WOOO SADNESS!! If I missed something I should've tagged then pls tell me!

Kinda cringe but it's ok. Next chapter will be smut <3
Word count: 930

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