putting it off (for a good reason) [AF]

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| listened to Double Dare by Waterparks  on loop for Maximum Feels™ whilst writing

Warnings: one sided crush (not really)
Type: Angst w Fluff later

Enjoy! |

Bad never should have agreed. Never should have promised everyone. Never should have done this and that and gotten on that awful plane and pretended like everything was fine as he hugged his best friend in such a crowded airport.

Now he was sat in his living room. Bad was stiff as a board, sweating buckets under his Planet Duck hoodie. Rocco wouldn't stop glaring at him, far too wary of his presence.

Part of Bad wished Skeppy would be like Rocco. Hyperaware of his being and on edge. He wished Skeppy wasn't so comfortable with his stay, acting like they'd done this a dozen times before.

Bad's hands uncurled from their tense fists before curling back up, never leaving his lap.

He tried to put this off for as long as possible. He had hoped that by the time they met up, everything would have changed. Maybe that if he saw his best friend in person his stupid little school girl crush would die.

Oh how he'd love for it to die. How he'd love for this unrequited puppy love to wilt and turn ugly and unwanted. Maybe then the tension that fell upon them since loading into Skeppy's car would burst and they could be comfortable in their first meetup.

Bad sighed, relaxing his tense shoulders and leaning back into the couch.

"Me and Skeppy plan on meeting up soon after the final egg lore stream." He remembers himself saying.

He pushed the stream as far back as he could. He used every excuse under the sun and put projects in front of it and roped other friends into streams and took extended breaks just so he wouldn't have to do it.

But Bad hated breaking promises, and he hated making people sad. He hated making Skeppy sad, and he was the most excited for this.

And here Bad was, brooding on Skeppy's white couch in his living room with soft creme walls. A plush white rug was under hsis feet that Rocco and Rat would have blended right in to.

"You're literally stalling the meetup. There is no way Rat needs another haircut this month." Skeppy says in the back of his mind.

"You don't know that." Bad mutters back.

"I do because you called me when she was done." Bad winces at the callout, "Are you seriously that afraid of flying?"

Bad bites his lip and straightens himself up, "Maybe I am. Maybe I just don't wanna meet you because you'd be the most clingy person in real life." Bad sasses, hoping it covers up whatever might slip through.

"You're so mean." Skeppy chuckles. Bad pretends it doesn't make the butterflies in his belly go buck wild.

"Come on you promised! We did the egg stream months ago! I wanna meet my best friend." Bad can hear Skeppy pouting. He doesn't like that the begging is chipping away at him.

"It's only been three weeks, Skeppy." Bad says back plainly. He's twirling his headphone cable around his finger.

"It feels like forever ago! Pleeeaaasee Bad? BadBoy?" Skeppy whines. Bad can feel his last bit of self preservation weather away as the silence drags on.

"Ok fine! I give up!" Bad says, putting his face in his hands. Skeppy cheers from his end of the call.

"You're buying my ticket though." Bad says finally. He puts no room for argument in his words.

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