spray-on hearts [F]

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| Bad takes Skeppy on a graffiti date

Warnings: none
Type: Fluff

Enjoy!! |

Why did it have to be so cold tonight?

Bad grumbled at himself as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Everytime he exhaled he could see his breath.

But he was determined.

His backpack rattled with it's contents. A red handkerchief was tied around his neck. It had a different purpose but for now it was protecting his skin against the night chill.

He stopped once he reached a bus stop, leaning against a wall and pulling out his phone.

Within minutes a second figure was walking up to him. Bad smiled softly.

"Hey." Skeppy greeted, pulling down his hood.

"You ready?" Bad stood away from the wall. A shrill giddiness surged through his system. Skeppy could feel the excitement from where he stood.

"Hell yeah. Let's make bad decisions!" He cheered and started walking with Bad.

The streets were wet from rain and dew from earlier that evening. Puddles gathered in dips in the sidewalk and in potholes. Streams trickled into storm drains, lampposts and overhangs dripped hazardously above.

Their wet path reflected neon signs and yellow tinted lights from buildings and lampposts and passing cars.

They made games of jumping over puddles and avoiding cracks in the sidewalk. Conversation was about video games and dogs they saw in the park.

Skeppy balanced himself on the curb and tried walking backwards while matching Bad's pace, laughing about a Minecraft bug he found while testing a world.

"Watch out." Bad warned as a car sped past, splashing puddle water at where Skeppy would have been had Bad not told him to move.

"They are going way over the speed limit." Skeppy spat, resisting the urge to flip the driver off before they rounded the corner.

"Good thing no one is out." Bad checked the time on his phone.

"No one but us." Skeppy pointed out, eyes scanning a convenience store ad for alcohol as they passed it. Too bad they weren't of age.

Neither of them were big on drinking anyway. So he rolled his eyes and settled back on Bad talk about a band he found recently.

Skeppy stopped as Bad did, looking both ways as they stepped onto the train tracks.

"The trainyard is a approximately a few blocks that way." Bad pointed to his left, leaning back just slightly to talk to Skeppy. He had the smallest smile on his face. It was fond.

Skeppy's chest warmed. "Let's go then!" Skeppy led the march down the silent tracks.

"And you're sure we won't get mowed down?"

Bad snorted, trying his best to step on only the wooden planks while Skeppy balanced himself on the rails.

"I'm sure. The last train passed by right before I left."

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