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"Woohoo! Shake that ass! Avy! Avy! Avy!" People here were going crazy, having the best time of their lives, just fun, no judging.

"I'll be right back boys," I told them, heading to the bathrooms.

"Hazza wait! I'm coming with you." Louis ran to me, taking my hand into his. "Let's go." He smiled.

"Are you having a good time?" I ask him as soon as we enter the bathrooms.

"Yeah! It's pretty crazy in here, isn't it? I love parties like this!"

"Good to hear." I smile.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yes! Just a bit tired, it was a long day. Maybe a kiss would make it..?" I look up at him innocently.

He gives me a big smile, leaning towards for a kiss. "Thank you." I rub his cheek when he backs away, staring deeply into my eyes.

"I love you, baby. We're going back and we're gonna have some fun, okay?" He says.

"Okay, daddy." I giggled. I knew no one is here, so why not say it.

"Stop, it's not what I meant." He grabs my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. "If you won't be tired after this party, you can call me daddy plenty of times, but we're going back right now." He whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my body.

I just nodded my head, I didn't know what to say. I'm extremely tired but I go back with him, trying to party a little more.

"Can we go home now..? M sleepy..." I yawn, looking at the clock. It says it's 1 am.

"Okay baby. Bye boys, we're going home." He says, helping me to stand up.



"My home..?" I ask, collapsing on the front seat.



"No. Our home."


"We're going home."

Boy_friends /larry stylinson AU/Where stories live. Discover now