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I was sitting on my parapet watching snowflakes, when I heard a voice.

"B-by..." he mumbled and put one hand on my pillow. "B-by..?" he opened his tired eyes.

"M over here boo..." I smiled when I saw his little body brawl. Yes, I am taller than Lou, but it doesn't change anything. His messy hair in his face, trying to put them away.

"Why u not hugging me.." he whispered with a little raspy voice.

"Sorry, I was just watching snowflakes."

"Come back..."

"But just a minute. It's already late.."

"Did you enjoy it yesterday?" mom asked when we were eating breakfast.

"Yeah, you know.. Just chilling..."

"Yeah." Lou nodded.

"Did you enjoy it yesterday?"

"Yes! I had so much fun! We haven't seen each other in ages, but we had so much to talk about! Do you have some plans for today?"


"Yes. I was hoping that I could take Harry to my place. My sisters planned something so..."

"Oh, great! When will Harry come back?"

"Till eleven."


"Why didn't you tell me you have already planned something?"

"Because it was something like a surprise."

"Oh okay. So, what are we gonna do?"

"Well... Girls prepared the living room. We are gonna have a movie day. And by the way, I am really sorry that Gemma had to leave so early..."

"It's okay... M kinda used to be alone. I mean, I used to be."

"I am always here. And I am not planning to leave you, okay?"


"Harryyy! Fluff!" twins hugged me in the door.

"Haven't seen you for a long time girlies. How's life?" I laughed.

"Well, we're happy that you're staying here today! We already picked the first movie!"

"Great! What are we wa- Wow." I smiled when we walked into the living room. There were a lot of pillows on a big fluffy rug before the sofa. Fluff jumped on a sofa, happily shaking his butt.

"Fluff! Come back!"

"It's okay, let him be." Lou smiled.

"Captain America marathon."

"Sounds great. Love it."

"Come on! We already made a popcorn!"

I would like a movie night but everyone is far away 🥺

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