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"Please, don't tell me that this is a dream..." I looked at a little cottage that was near a lake.

"It's not, baby. This is beautiful reality." he took my hand.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Lou. It looks... Wonderful..." I smiled. "Thank you sooo much!" I kissed him on a cheek.

"You deserve this, baby. You know that, right?"

"You deserve it more."

"We both deserve it." he laughed. "Now come on, I wanna see it from inside."

"Wow..." I gasped.

"It looks..."

"Oof... What will we do?"

"Just chilling."

"Just chilling. Sounds great."

"What about we'll cook something for dinner? Salty or sweet?"

"I can cook chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham, with a side of a homemade mash. It's delicious." I said.

"Okay! But we need to do the shopping first."

"K I am going to change my clothes. That's too cozy and simple."

"If you want to. But you look amazing in this too."

"Than I'll take a hoodie." I unpacked my oversized bear hoodie. It's the bestest. "My favorite."

"It's so cute." he smiled. "You look cute in it. My baby."

"Your baby." I blushed.

"My cute curlyhead baby."

"Stop I'm blushing."

"So? It's freaking cute! I love it when I make you blush."

"And I love it when you say you love it."

"What?" we laughed. "Okay we should go I don't know when they're closing."

"Okay come on then." I nodded, grabbed his hand and we went outside. "Where is the store?"

"Ain't got a clue. We gotta find it."

My cuties! 🥰

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