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"B-boo slow down a bit..."

"Sorry baby... Always tell me when something's wrong. You still not ready, right..?"

"I-I am sorry..."

"Don't be sorry... I am still kinda scared so..."

"Okay... You can start..."

His shirt was already somewhere on the floor of my room. Unfortunatelly, my shirt was next. But with pants too.

"Wait, we gotta fix this." I smirked and I dragged his jeans down.

"Woah you are quick..."

"Okay now I am all yours..."

"Baby you okay..?"

"Fuck Lou should I start?"

"Okay fine... How about..." he pulled me to the bed and sat down on my waist. "You know... I'll just..." he smooths my tummy.

"Nah, I'm the one making show." we switched so now I was on the top of him. "But I have no mercy."

"I claim." he smirked.

"Fine." I grabbed the edge of his shorts and pulled them down. "Oh you are really excited..."

"I always am."

"Hush! I didn't ask for an answer. You say something, I make it harder for you. You got it?"


"Wrong answer." I started to nuzzle with my whole body.


"I think you don't understand, but fine." I pushed my ass to his tights, slowly wiggling.

"B-but baby..." he moaned. "I'm the daddy here." he pulled me under him, putting my hands above my head. "I am the one making you scream. Do you understand?"


He grabbed the edge of my shorts and aggressively threw them away.

"I love you."

"I love you too..." I gasped.

"Never forget about..." he put his hands on my tights. "How beautiful you are, baby."

"M not..."

"Hazza..." he stopped. "I think we shouldn't do it tonight. We have more important things to do. Like, telling you how beautiful you are. Or how much I love you."

"N-no... I should have stay quiet..."

"Baby... We gotta talk... Lay down, okay?"

"No! Lou I am sorry I didn't mean it I swear!"

"Hazza stop. It's okay and we gotta talk about it. Mental health is so important."

"No I'm fine! I'm doing fine..." I started to cry.

"Heyyy... Shhh..." he hugged me from behind and we started to swing. My whole body was shaking as hell, I couldn't stop the sobs. "I'm here... I got you... You're not alone..."

Yes, I am still not ready for them to do something more 😃 But my babyyy 🥺 I know that maybe it's hard, but we can do this... You're not alone x

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