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"Mooom!? We're home!" we decided to go to my place first, so we can be with my mom for a while and we will go to Lou's place later.

"Boys! Finally!" she hugged us. "Did you have a good time?"

I looked at Lou and smiled.

"Of course we did. It was amazing."

"Go unpack you're things first and we can talk later, okay?" she said.

We both nodded and we went to my room. I started to unpack my things, but something stopped me.

"Lou? Could you turn around for a sec?"

"Okay..?" he turned around.

I went to my cupboard, I grabbed the razor blade I saw and I hid it in.


"What's going on?"

"Oh I just... It's nothing. Sooo school's tomorrow... We gotta go to sleep earlier."

"Yeah. It feels weird. We were just relaxing for three days straight." he said.

"I know right? It was amazing. Thank you for everything again. I think we can go back now."

"Wait..." he came closer. "I want you to know that I love you, okay? I love you more than anything, I love your personality and your body. You mean everything to me."

"Okay. I love you too." I gave him a little kiss.

"Go, I'll be right there. Have to pee."

"Okay." I went to the living room. My mom was on the couch, reading some papers from work. "Hey."

"You have to tell me everything! Except the sexual part, of course." she laughed.

"Mom! You know that we didn't do anything."

"To be honest, I don't care. It's your life, not mine. So. The cottage?"

"It was beautiful! It was near a lake and it looked like from a fairytail."

"I'm here." Louis sat down next to me and he put his hand on my thigh. "What we you talking about?"

"The cottage. Oh and mom, I wanna sleep at Lou's tonight. Is it okay?"

"Yeah, of course! It's late already, you should probably go."

"Thanks mom, love you."

"Bye Anne."

Hey babies it would be amazing if you would show some love at my instagram page larry_manip_28 🥰 Again, thank you for everything! 💞

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