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Hazza: Are you home alone...?

Loubear: Yeah why

Hazza: I had a mental breakdown and I am still not good. I can't go home like that

Loubear: Oh baby come heeere 🥺 I am waiting for you. We can eat icecream, listen to music, we can talk about everything you want to 🥺

Hazza: Okay

Hazza: But Lou

Loubear: What? 🥺

Hazza: I look horrible... I have cried and...

Loubear: Hazza you are my baby you always look beautiful 🥺 When will you come? Wait where were you? You didn't go home after school

Hazza: I was... I was working

Loubear: Harry. Why.. Why are you always working? Is it that bad? Does your family needs help? My dad can talk to your parents or something. Maybe our dads would like each other, huh? Please, I wanna help

Hazza: I don't have a dad and no, everything's fine

Loubear: Fuck sorry I didn't know I am so sorry baby I

Hazza: haha no he's not dead

Hazza: I just

Hazza: He was, he's

Hazza: Fuck I can't even imagine that word anymore

Loubear: What happened baby 🥺

Hazza: He's in jail

Loubear: I-

Loubear: Will you talk about it when you'll come?

Hazza: I don't know. I don't wanna be a burden..

Loubear: Hazza you're not! I love you, okay? Remember it.

Hazza: I am scared to talk

Loubear: What?

Hazza: I can't open to people. Only my mom. But I don't want her to worry so I keep everything for myself.

Hazza: And I think it's killing me slowly...

Loubear: Harry you need to talk. To me. Today. You can't hold it anymore, you need to let it out. Please... I will tell you everything too, just talk to me, baby...

Yes I finally finished Hoping This Cold Blue Water Scrubs Me Clean And Spits Me Out Again 🤪🤧💔
-Lila 😴

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