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Ethaline sat across from Harry, her hands holding a book as she read and he spoke quietly to Luna and Neville as his two best friends were doing Head Boy and Girl duties. Things were...a little different between them. But slowly they were getting back to normal. 

Cho walked the train's corridors, her hand holding her bag as she walked towards the cart they were in. "You're hard to find." She said, a smile on her face as Harry looked up at her. 

"C-Cho!" He said, sitting up straight after slouching in boredom.

"Hello!" She beamed, "Merry Christmas and Happy new year." She said handing him a cupcake before leaning in to kiss him. Ethaline looked away as Harry's eyes remained open, looking at her.

Harry doesn't like chocolate candy cakes, Ethaline thought to herself while trying to focus on the letters and words in front of her.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked no one in particular. 

"No." Ethaline said as she began to gather her things, "I've got a couple of things to do before we arrive. You're more than welcome to take my seat." She said while standing up. Neville and Luna frowned. 


"I'll see you all inside or in class." She smiled, waving at Cho kindly before leaving the cart. She took a couple of steps forward and looked for an empty one.

Finally, she stumbled upon one and set her bags down. A lonely feeling forming inside of her as she sat down and looked at the window. She was upset, more with herself for having given in. She shouldn't have and now she felt the need to distance herself because of it. 

As soon as something went wrong, she left it, she had always been like that as a kid and now it was proving to be a problem for her. Alas, old habits die hard. 

She felt jealous of course, jealous that Cho could openly kiss him without feeling that ache of family betrayal she's been trying to get rid of. It wasn't easy, she was bound to her family she was raised to believe they were the most important thing. 

But Pansy had told her once family wasn't always blood. 

And that helped her push herself out of the dark forest and strings that came with the Malfoy name. She not only felt a loss from Harry, but her parents and Draco. As much as she didn't want the ideas of Christmas and New Years without her she couldn't shake it. She desperately tried to but she couldn't. 

She...she missed them. 

And then that felt like betraying Harry and everyone who had been kind to her in her departure. She was sick of felling in the middle of everything, her blood relatives tugging her to her side while the others tugged her the other way. 

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