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"Something tells me they didn't feed you very often."

Ethaline muttered a spell under her breath and hit Ron. The feeling of doing wand-less magic was foreign to her, the tingly feeling that would usually be absorbed by the wood of her wand was now lying in her finger tips.

"Ow!" Ron said as Ethaline glared at him.

"I should have you know that I'm a literal...queen. The prophetic mother of dragons and I won't be body shamed by a red haired—"

"Just because you're the mother of dragons and a queen doesn't mean I can't talk about you."

"I could have you executed if I wanted to."

"You're not my queen." Ron sassed as Ethaline narrowed her eyes at him.

"I wouldn't want you to be my subject considering your pet name is Won Won." She spat bitterly as Ron paled. "That's embarrassing." She said while chuckling dryly.

"Don't call me that!"

"Okay Won Won."

"Will the two of you stop!" Hermione said, inhaled deeply to compose herself, "You're acting like children."

Ethaline huffed, "Don't get me started on you Granger."

Harry closed his eyes for a second, "Ethaline." He said sharply, glancing back at her and telling her to knock it off.

Ethaline rolled her eyes, "They called you Harry Bother for a reason." She muttered under her breath.

Harry snapped, "What did you say?!"

Hermione couldn't help but smile a little as she looked at Ron. A small laugh escaped Ron's lips making the other two turn to face them. "What?!" They asked annoyed.

"Is this your way of telling us you miss us?" Hermione asked, an eyebrow raised, "Months of no contact with anyone you willingly associate yourself with and now you're free and..."

Ethaline scoffed lightly, "What a lovely little theory you've concocted Granger, perhaps I could write it on a bloody banner and hang it on my dragon. Your genius brain never seizes to impress me." She said, pushing past them, "Now should we head inside? Or are we to be shivering in the cold."

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