||chapter 8||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

I breathed in and opened my eyes. I saw harry on top of me, his eyes still closed, and his lips still kissing mine. He was loosely straddling me and I flipped out. I pushed on his chest as hard as I could, trying to get him off of me.

I bit his lip and he finally got off. He held his hand up to his mouth and I saw it was bleeding. I sort of felt bad but I was more mad at him for doing that.

"Who do you think you are?!" I screamed at him. "I know you for less than one day and you go trying to make out with me?! You're sick harry!"

He sat there shocked. I got up and ran in the house and to some random room. I heard people yelling after me and some of them actually chasing me. But I had too much adrenaline in me to slow down.

I ran upstairs and into a random room, slamming the door behind me. I leaned my back against the door and slowly slid down. I realized what I just said to harry and got really mad about myself, and started crying.

I heard pounding on the door. "Open up jewel!" I heard Liam scream.

"Only if you promise harry isn't with you!" I screamed back just to make sure. I heard quiet voices behind the door and somebody, probably harry, grunted and stomped down the stairs.

"Okay he isn't with me anymore! Just please let me In?!" Liam asked. I took a deep breath and sighed before backing off the door and opened in a crack.

Liam literally ran in and crushed me in a hug. I patted his back awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. "Um Liam you can let go now..." I said after like a minute of hugging.

He picked me up bridal style and sat me on the bed. I thought he was going to make a move or something, so I got a little scared and squirmed to get away from him. He looked at me with questioning eyes and I just looked back, but with scared in my eyes.

He sat down on the bed, facing me and started to talk. "Why did you freak out so much in the past 10 minutes?" Oh please, didn't he see what harry was doing? But... Then again he doesn't know about brandon.

"Well..." I started, but looked at my fiddling fingers instead, trying to stall.

Liam's hands came into view and held mine. "Please love, just tell me." He said in a calming voice.

"Umm.. I had this boyfriend in London, but he was a sorry excuse for a boyfriend." I stated, tears already coming to my eyes and I looked at liam. He urged me on and I took a deep breath. "Well it started when we were a month in our relationship and he tried doing the same thing harry was doing. On top of me and forcing me to make out with him, only a little more violent. I tried pushing him off and telling him I wasn't ready.. When he... He.." I couldn't finish the sentence.

It was horrible, that night was the worst night of my life.


"Brandon get off!" I squealed at he climbed on top of me on the bed. He chuckled and bent down to my ear.

"Make me." He whispered. It was actually sort of hot. He dove back to my lips and started making out with me. My hands found his hair and I tugged on it lightly. He smiled into the kiss, and put more pressure on my lips.

I kept kissing him until I felt his hands start to fiddle with the button on my skinny jeans. I put my small hands on his big ones and guided them away from there. "Not tonight brandon.." I mumbled, my lips touching his as I talked.

He sighed and kept kissing me. I kissed back, thinking that was all we were doing. But he took of my top in one swoop, this didn't really affect me because we always do this. I ran my fingers down to the hem of his shirt and slowly took it off. He grunted at how slow I was being and just ripped it off.

His hands went down to my skinny jeans again and I tried taking them away from there. "Brandon... I'm not ready.." I told him. He got a little mad.

He pinned both of my hands up above my head with one of his hands and took his other back down to the button. "Brandon sto-" but before I could finish my sentence he started kissing me again, hard.

He somehow got my jeans off and I was left there in my underwear. "Brandon stop!" I said louder, trying to get my arms out of his grasp. I started to squirm trying to get out from under him. He grunted and got off me.

"Stay there." He said sternly, pointed his finger in my face. We walked out of the room. I was not going to just sit here and wait for my inevitable doom.. I started putting my pants on when I was violently thrown back on the bed. "Bitch! What did I tell you?! I guess you'll have to be punished." He said, very menacingly.

I whimpered out of fear as he took the rope that he brought back in and tied me to the headboard. He took off the pants that were almost on me and did other horrible stuff. But the worst thing was...

He raped me.

(Authors note)

Picture of Brandon on the side(:

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