|| chapter 12 ||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

"Okay mum."

"And be careful of your wrist, I don't want it breaking anymore!" She warned.

"Okay mum. I have to go!" I kissed her on the cheek and got out of her car. I walked in to school proudly, even though I had a cast on my arm.

I felt somebody link their hand with my left hand. I pulled away, at least tried to. "Shh jewel just play along with it." I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

So on instinct I looked up at the guy. Who was about 6 feet. He looked really familiar... But I don't remember ever talking to him.

"Who are y-" but I was cut off by him.

"Just stay quiet and don't say anything." He demanded, moving his hand away from mine, and snaking his arm around my waist. He tugged me closer to him as we walked, while I kept trying to casually sneak away.

"Umm my class is over there..." I said, pointing to the other direction. He smiled, but not a regular smile.

"Oh trust me, I know. Just come with me, don't cause any commotion, and you'll be fine." He reassured.

"If I would be fine then why are you keeping a death grip on me?" I sassed back to him. He didn't respond. Ha I win you lose.

1 point jewel, 0 points mystery gu-

Wait... Now I know where I've seen him. "You were the guy that grabbed my butt!" I yelled at him. He just kept walking, saying hey to people.

"Yeah I did," he started, staring straight ahead, "by the way, nice ass." He said smiling.

"Where are we going?" I asked, desperately trying to get off the topic. It reminded me too much of brandon.

"A place." He responded. I huffed at how stupid that remark was. But then something bad happened.

It was like I had no control over myself. I took the arm with the cast on it, swung it around, and hit him in the neck.

He let go of me, gasping for air. I stood there and stared in shock. I can't believe I just did that.

"Cam-camer.... Cameron!" He finally stuttered out. It was only then that I noticed two guys were following behind us the entire way. One of which responded to the name cameron.

It all seemed to happen in a blur. Cameron leaped towards me, while I luckily dodged his body. The other guy seemed to snap out of his daydream and start going for me too.

Before he could catch me though, I sprinted away. I got to science, 10 minutes late.

Mr. Davis was furious. I don't understand highschool teachers, always getting mad about being a few minutes late. He didn't even let me explain why I was late, just told me to sit down.

Everything was fine before I realized that those five guys were in my class. Including the guy that I elbowed in the neck.

The five of them all came inside the class as the same time, around 5 minutes later, except there were only 4 today. Kian gave me the biggest death glare ever. The mystery guy that I elbowed in the neck had a giant blue and black bruise there.

But I don't think I elbowed him That hard. Maybe I just don't know my own strength...

//Kian's p.o.v\\

I was just patiently waiting for the guys to come back with jewel so we could teach her a little lesson of not listening to us. So I was leaning up against the brick wall in the back of the school when I hear some wheezing kid stumbling down the path.

I huff out a puff of my smoke and look over. The sight made me furious. It was matt, shawn, and cameron walking towards me. Shawn and cam were holding matt up by his shoulders while he was having a fit over something.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at them. I looked around... Someone was missing. "Where the fuck is caylen?" I asked again.

"Jewel has a cast on her arm and she used it to hit matt on the neck really hard, and Jc is probably sick I haven't seen him since school started." Cameron answered.

Fuck, Jc was one of our three strongest. I needed him here today. "Okay well dallas, mendes, why didn't you help espinosa here when he let that bitch get away?" I asked.

"I did try but she dodged both of us... She's really fast man. And stop getting so mad, you only use our last names when you're pissed." Cameron answered.

"Sorry that I'm pissed because you guys can't get a stupid girl! But whatever, I have a plan. Let's just get back to class."

(Btw that part should help you know who all the bullies are(; )

//jewels p.o.v\\

Thank god science is over. We got like 500 worksheets today just for one stupid poster. But whatever.

I was walking to my locker carrying this giant stack of papers that could fall. I got to my locker and started to open it when some douche came over and knocked all of the pages out of my hand.

I looked up to see kian... Smiling. "What was that for?!" I sassed to him.

"To get your attention, silly!" He said poking my nose. Okay this is weird.

"And why do you want my attention?" I asked, stepping back a bit, but ended up walking into a random person.

"Because, this science poster gets to have partners... And I know you're new and I don't have a partner soooo..." He said trailing off.

No, there was no chance in hell I was going to be his partner. "And if you didn't hear, because your too caught up in yourself, we can do this poster by ourselves too." I said beginning to open my locker, when I felt someone breathing in me.

I look over and saw kian, just inches from my face. "What do you want?!" I asked a little more rudely.

I tried to back up from his face when he snaked his arm around my back and pulled me close to him. "I want to gain your trust. Please, just give me a second chance. Forget about what I did to you before. Please!" He begged.

I smelled smoke on his breath and it was repulsive, but the look in his eyes made him look so vulnerable and sweet.


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