||chapter 38||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

He smirked at how scared I probably looked. "Good girl." He told me. "Now... I'm sorry I have to do this but, it's time for your punishment."

"Just get it over with... Please." I begged. Thinking it would only be him kissing me and potentially raping me sooner or later. Instead he picked me up bridle style. He opened a door with his foot and it lead to stairs going down. Each step I knew would lead to my inevitable doom.

We reached the end of the stairs and I looked around. Torture devices were everywhere. There was a wall with knifes and tasers and other things like that. A wall with vibrators and condoms... And other stuff. And a wall with whips, chains, and slut suits. Each dark wall had something by it that related to what it had on the wall. For example, the wall with the condoms and vibrators had a bed nears it with ropes on it.

But in the middle of the room was a wooden chair. It had multiple leather straps on it with buckles for each one. He set me down on that chair and started to buckle me in. He started with my wrists knowing I would struggle. Once he was done with the second wrist I started kicking my feet, trying to shove him away. He knelt down and just grabbed my left foot calmly and confidently. He pushed it back and strapped it in, along with the right foot.

Next he moved to forearms, then shins, thighs, hips, biceps, and right below my boobs. And he made sure to tie them very very tight. It was virtually impossible to get out of the death hold and it would take me a miracle to escape. He proceeded to take his shirt off and it was then that I saw his perfect six pack with v-lines for the first time. I couldn't help but stare at them until I found myself staring way too long. "Take a picture babe, it'll last longer." He smirked. "Okay, let's start this."

He walked to the wall with the knifes. He grabbed one, but not the biggest. "Now, are you ever going to run away again?" He asked innocently as he walked towards me.

"No." I said seriously. I bit the inside of my lip, a horrible habit I do when I lie.

"Don't lie to me, princess." He said, a foot away now.

"Don't call me that." I told him bravely as I glared into his eyes.

"That just cost you two cuts, princess." He smirked at how mad I got. I was about to say something when I felt an unbearable feeling in my thigh.

I looked down and saw blood slowly pooling out of my thigh. It was only one cut. I whimpered from seeing the blood oozing out. My adrenaline started to kick in and the pain slowly went away. "Okay Kian I get it just please.... Please stop." I begged him.

"No, babe. I said 2 cuts... So one more and it'll be over.. For now." He explained softly. Then I felt the knife slowly cutting open my skin. I screamed and struggled in the leather straps. But like I said, they were too tight and it helped me in no way. "Strugglings not going to help, princess." He said darkly.

"Okay Kian I get it!" I started screaming. "Please just stop! I understand! I'll follow your fucking stupid rules and I'll do whatever you want just stop this!" I poured out. He smiled, yet again, another one of his innocent smiles.

"Did you just swear at me, darling? And scream? That seems a little inappropriate doesn't it? So you see, you don't understand. You're mine now. Hell, you're all of ours. You've been claimed, Jewel. When you've been claimed you don't get a say anymore. So if you keep treating us like this I'll be sure to make your life a living hell." He seethed through clenched teeth. "So for yelling and swearing at me, I think that's worth 2 more cuts, yeah?" He asked.

I put my head down. To afraid to look him in the eyes. All that was going through my head was his words saying, "you've been claimed." Over and over again. "See jewel you're already learning." I heard his horrid voice say right before another cut tore through my skin.

I ground my teeth together on the second cut, not wanting to show my pain. "Okay, now before we clean you up I have to do one thing. And l warn you, it stings a lot." He walked away to a wall with 10 spray bottle on it. He picked one closer to the right side of the ten and walked back over to me. "Now, this is salt water. Level 7 out of 10. Cameron taught me this trick when... Well, you don't really need to know right now. But since you are learning I'll privilege you by telling you what I'm going to do. I'll spray this on your cuts, then clean you up a bit and heal those cuts up within an hour. Another thing Cameron made from previous.... Years." I didn't care about the punishment he was going to give me so I just nodded.

He was hiding something about Cameron and I'm going to find out what it is. I heard the bottle spray the salt water a second before my 4 cuts felt like they were on fire. He walked away and put the bottle back. I felt like I dry-swallowed a pill that was too big and it was stuck in my throat. I felt like I was about to break and cry. Kian came back into vision and I abruptly pushed it down. Deep down inside of me and locked it. Making sure I was a steel safe, impossible to break.

He had a wet rag in his hand and started to dab it on his thighs. I flinched from the sudden feeling and it took him two rags just to clean up all the blood. "Okay now I'm going to release this one leg and if you try to kick me I'll make your next step of your punishment worse." He threatened. I felt the pressure on my thigh release. Then my shin then my ankle. He picked up a wrap with some goo on it and started to talk again.

"This gel is going to help your cuts close up and be barely visible within an hour. I got this from Cameron too and trust me it really helps." He motioned me to raise my leg and put it on the top of my thigh, making sure the goo was on my cuts, then wrapped it around to the back of my thigh. The stuff felt cool against my skin and the fresh cuts and I immediately felt refreshed.

He unbuckled all the straps and threw me over his shoulder. I felt him walking somewhere and I was thrown on the bed. He got on top of me right after and I struggled under him. I heard the click of my shorts unbuckling and I worked more hastily to get him off of me. He slid my shorts down, along with my panties. I started quietly whimpering, not wanting to be raped again. He reached over and grabbed a vibrator.

"It's okay, babe, it's okay." He reassured. I felt him slid the vibrator into me then he let go. "We're gonna go for a dinner in about 2 hours so that will give you time to get ready. And time for me to do this."

He dove down and started kissing me. I refused to kiss back, trying to push him off me instead. "Kiss back, princess. You won't want to know what happens if you don't." I gave in and kissed him back.

It didn't feel anything like how I kissed Shawn. I felt nothing between me and Kian and it just made me think of Shawn more. I felt Kian's hips grinding softly on mine. My mind wandered to how nice Shawn is. How Shawn actually cares about me. How would Shawn act of I was his girlfriend. Zoning out, thinking of Shawn, kissing Kian, and having the soft pleasure on my hips come repeatedly the next word out of my mouth just sort of slipped. I didn't want to say it.

"Shawn..." I moaned. Everything stopped. Kian's stopped kissing me. I stopped kissing Kian. Kian stopped grinding. I cringed, knowing what would happen.

I pried open my eyes to see Kian staring down at me hate, anger, and fury mixing in his eyes.


If you read my other book you might know what happened with Cameron and how he had those ideas(; tell me if you liked it! -C

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