||chapter 25||

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//Harry's p.o.v\\

I was driving to nialls house because I needed to work on the science project with him. I pulled into his driveway and saw two people against a Range Rover. The guy looked like he was doing something sexual to the girl but I couldn't make out who they were.

I got out of my car and got a little closer to the two of them. I saw a random guy on top of jewel. I've never seen him before and I had no idea what he was doing to jewel. Jealousy started boiling up in my body and I got very mad at the stranger.

"What the fuck is this?!" I boomed at the two of them. They both stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Jewel looked at me with pleading eyes and I was going to help her.

"Why do you care? It's none of your Business." The guy said. He took jewel off of the car and held her up close to his side. She struggled a bit as he held his tight grip on her.

He bent down and whispered something in her ear and she completely froze. I looked at them confused. "I care because jewel is my friend, and I come over here and see some random guy grinding on her." I said. My voice was starting to rise and I had to control my temper.

My fist started to ball up as I noticed his hand travel from her waist to her hip. I really needed to control my temper. The boys and me are well known for our temper, and I have the worst of the boys. Once I get mad, I get m.a.d.

And right now I was getting pissed. "I'm not some 'random guy'. I'm her ex boyfriend. And I came to win her back." He explained. Obviously she left him because he wouldn't come back if he left her.

"No." I said. I walked up closer to the and crossed my arms. I challenged this guy with my eyes and he competed with me.

"No?" He asked, completely amused. "Since when did you become the boss of me?" He asked while he chuckled a bit at the end. I saw his grip tighten on her and she stumbled over her feet a bit as she was pulled closer to him.

"Since she left you, and obviously doesn't want to be by you." I explained pointing my to her. "I'm not going to let her be hurt by you. She's gone through too much this week." I demanded.

"Make me." That was it. He's done.

I leaped at him as he was caught off guard. I started punching his face repeatedly as he lay on the floor. I felt jewel tugging on my shirt and yelling, "Harry get off of him, you'll kill him!"

But I could care less. If I saw jewel hurt I will kill the guy that broke her heart. She's too sweet and beautiful to be hurt. I don't like her, I used to though. But I stopped, I just want to be friends with her.

I kept punching him and jewel was starting to annoy me. Without realizing it I turned around and punched jewel in the stomach. She toppled over and fell on the ground. I got off of the guy and went over to jewel to see if she was okay.

Her eyes were closed she wasn't moving. I checked her pulse to see if she was still alive and thankfully she was. I rolled her over on her back and started doing cpr. It didn't work after a while.

I got on my feet and started running my hands through my hair. I looked around and didn't see the guy on the floor anymore and I thought he ran away. Until I saw his car still in the driveway.

I started looking around for somebody to help me with jewel when somebody punched me right in the temple.

I fell to the ground and everything went to black.

//jewels p.o.v\\

I woke up in someone's bed and it was dark in the room. I thought it was my own room when I realized what happened at nialls. I remembered what Brandon did and what happened with Harry and what he did. I started freaking out but calmed myself down, praying to god I wasn't in Brandon's house.

I looked over at the clock on the nightstand and saw it was 2:17 in the morning. I got out of the bed and started walking towards the door. I opened it quietly and started to walk towards the stairs.

If I could get downstairs I would feel so much more safer because I wouldn't have much of a bigger chance of getting caught. I started walking down the stairs so slowly I thought it might take me a year to get downstairs.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw the front door right in front of me. 10 feet and I was outside. I kept walking, a little more hastily now, to the door. I had my hand on the handle and started twisting it open.

I saw a light turn on from the corner of my eye right before I opened the door. "And where do you think you're going?" That voice. I was praying it wasn't that voice, but obviously they weren't answered.

I froze in my spot. "Umm... I'm going home." I said, finding my confidence. I'm not going to let him take advantage of me again.

"No you're not." He said with a chuckle, clearly amused. He came closer to me and began to snake his arms around my waist, but before he did I pushed him away by his chest.

"You're not going to do this to me Brandon!" He stumbled back by my sudden force of the push. He looked back up at me and chuckled. I've got to admit, it made me deathly afraid but I wasn't going to show him.

"So you wanna play it rough? Well I like rough." He said huskily. He walked up to me fast and slammed his hands up against the door. I flinched, but barely. He reached behind me and locked the door.

"Don't do this Brandon." I said seriously. I wasn't going to show him I was scared. He smirked at how tough I was acting.

He put his hands on my hips and pulled me very close to him. Our chests were fought by now and I put my hands on his chest to keep distance between us. His fingertips were digging into my skin and there were going to be bruises there soon. "Kiss back. If you don't you know what happens." He demanded.

I gasped a bit and he took the chance to start kissing my lips. I didn't kiss back and he grunted. I know he can hurt me here. I can easily scream and wake his parents up. And he won't have everything in his basement that he tortured me with what he used before.

He pulled away and slapped me on the face. I lost my balance and fell to the ground. My hip it the floor really hard and I yelped from the pain. He kicked my stomach right where Harry punched me and I yelled bloody murder.

I heard doors open upstairs and I sighed in relief. Brandon crouched down to my level on the floor. "Get up you bitch. If I get in trouble I will hurt you, bad."

I got the hair out of my face and looked at him and smiled. "Brandon. We can play this the easy way, or the hard way. You can let me go home and live in peace, or I can start to pretend cry and tell your parents what you just did to me." I smiled again. Knowing that I was in control.

His parents were very strict and I could use that to my advantage. There were footsteps coming down the stairs and Brandon had to think fast. "Okay let's go then." He agreed. "Don't worry mom I'm just driving a friend home!"
He yelled up the stairs.

I heard his mom sigh. Maybe she thought it was another one of the girls he slept with. Just thinking of that was repulsive. "well let's go!" I said cheerfully.

We walked out to his Range Rover and I hopped in. I gave him the directions to the lady's house right behind mine. I wasn't going to give him my address, that would be crazy.

He drove there and I was starting to get out of his car. My plan was to go through her house and go out the backdoor, and sneak into my backdoor after that. "Well bye then!" I said happily.

Before I got out he grabbed my wrist very tightly. "this isn't over yet jewel." He told me, then let me go.

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