||chapter 46||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

"Come out, Jewel. I know you're hiding in here." I curled up more in a ball as the monster was crawling closer. I could feel his footsteps as they hit the ground each time. Out of no where he grabbed my ankle and yanked me out.

I shouted and screamed but it was no use. Brandon and Kian were both there and I knew something horrible was going to happen. Kian stopped dragging me and I immediately got up, trying to run... But the door disappeared. I ran my hands over the wall, trying to find an escape. But it was too late.

In the blink of an eye I was strapped down the the bed, Brandon hovering over me. The scenery changed to the room where I was first raped by him. Everything that happened that night happened again and it was torture.

I laid there after waiting for Kian to do the same. "Jewel, Jewel wake up!" I heard somebody shout.

My eyes snapped open and I saw Harry staring at me.. Very worried. I sat up and accidentally head butted him. I fell back on the couch in agony and groaned, bringing my hand up to the pain in my forehead. But when I touched it I didn't feel my skin.. I felt a thick bandaid covering it, blood now on my fingers. I started freaking out and Harry noticed.

"LOUIS GET ANOTHER BANDAID!" He shouted. I heard shuffling in the room next to us and soon enough I had another bandaid covering the gash on my head. "I think she needs stitches mate." Harry said to Louis, examining my head.

"Wha- what happened?" I spoke quietly. A peircing pain went through my head and I yelped in pain. "It hurts!" I screamed quietly.

"We'll explain on the way to the hospital." Louis said grabbing the keys. I was lifted up by Harry and walked over to the car. He laid me down in the back and went on the other side, sitting down with me. I got up in the dark and shuffled over to him so that I was sitting on his lap. I felt an odd connection between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kept me steady by wrapping his arms around my waist.

I rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes, still tired. "Okay listen up, Jewel." Louis spoke. "We were messing around and Kian and his gang came in through a window. The way they broke it was by chucking a rock through it. You were pinned to the floor by Harry bc he was tickling you and it all happened so fast you didn't have time to react and the rock hit your forehead. Pretty hard may I add. You were knocked unconscious and we started freaking out." I started to doze off a bit, my head hurting like crazy.

"Louis, we're losing her go faster." Harry said panicked. The car sped up, hitting the bumps harder.

"Okay please stay awake Jewel! Anyway Kian came in and told us that now he knew we had you he was going to get you from us. Harry beat him up while I brought you into Harry's room and set you on his couch. Harry came in saying he got rid of them and we locked the door, trying to get you better. But your head just kept bleeding and we couldn't control it.. So this happened." I looked up at Harry, finding him already looking down at me.

"Is that true?" I asked. He nodded. "I can't go back to that place with Kian. He'll torture me until I practically die if he gets me. Please don't let them get me." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I won't, darling. Me and the lads were thinking of moving away from here to a better house since you'll be living with us for a while." I looked at him wide eyed.

"Whoever said I would live with you?" I said shocked.

"What other choice do you really have, Jewel? You don't have any parents, and if you live by yourself there's a giant chance Kian will get you again. I'm not letting that happen to you again, babe." He said squeezing me closer to him.

"Wait.. What? Why did you say babe. We're not dating." He looked at me, sorrow filled his eyes.

"You don't remember?" He said. His voice cracked at the end. I shook my head no. "I asked you out before the rock came in. Oh my god. You probably have a concussion that's why."

I had a hard time believing him but considering I climbed on top of him and he was fine with it maybe we were dating. But then again Harry is one of those guys to joke around like that. I wouldn't mind dating him, so I just went along with it. "Okay.." I said, curling up into a smaller ball on his lap.

I could practically feel him smile his bright cheery smile and I found myself with a slight smile on my lips too. My eyelids felt heavy and I found myself dozing off again.

"Jewel. Jewel, you need to stay awake!" Harry said, panicked again. I mumbled and snuggled my face into his warm chest. It was so warm and cuddly.

"Just five minutes." I reasoned. He picked me up off his chest and made me sit on his lap facing him. "Ugh why not?!" I begged.

"Because I don't want the stress of you passing out again, and you need to talk to the doctor." He told me. I sighed and started to play with his shirt.

"Fine." I smirked a bit. Maybe I was over tired or something but the next words flowed out of my mouth. "Then make me stay awake then." I smiled, giggling.

"No jewel, not now. You need medical help." He rejected. I huffed and whined a bit.

"Well we're dating so why not?" I whined. He signed.

"Jewel, we need to get you to the hospital." He said again. I sighed and didn't listen to him.

I leant in and put my lips on his.

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