||chapter 26||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted. I was in a bad mood, thinking I had to go to school but then remembered it was a Saturday. I decided to get out of bed anyway and get ready for the day.

It was 7:46 when I woke up and it felt way too early to be awake on a weekend. I put on some comfy shorts, a hoodie, and put my hair in a messy bun. I went into the bathroom and did all of my face stuff then went downstairs.

I found a note on the counter saying, "I went out to buy groceries and meet up with some new friends for brunch. Will be back around 12. Love you xoxo -mom". I smiled at the note until I found something under it.

It was a different colored paper and the hand writing was completely different from my mums. "To bad your mom won't be here to save you." It read. I didn't say who it was but I thought it was most likely Matthew or Brandon.

I became slightly paranoid as I started pouring cereal into a bowl. Just knowing that they somehow got into my house without anyone knowing freaked me out. They could still be in here right now far all I know, watching my every movement.

I put on the tv and quietly watched it while I ate my cereal. I finished eating and decided to just rest on the couch.

It was around 9 in the morning when I heard the doorbell ring. I was still super paranoid and during the time while I watched tv I locked all the windows, closed all the blinds, and locked all the doors leading outside. My heart started pumping faster as I had to think of a plan.

I grabbed a kitchen knife and my hand started to shake. I stood behind a wall about 15 feet away from the door and I was ready to attack if he broke in. He rang the doorbell again and I still didn't go to answer it.

"Jewel?! Are you home?!" Somebody asked. The voice sounded familiar but it was hard to make out. I decided I should be brave and answer it but the knife was still shaking in my hand. I didn't want to risk killing myself so I set it down on the counter next to me.

I quietly walked over to the door and looked out of the peephole seeing a boy there. But not just any boy.

My boyfriend. Kian. I flung open the door and jumped into his arms. He was caught off guard and stumbled a bit. He laughed after realizing what just happened. "Well goodmorning to you too." He said while chuckling.

I just kept my arms wrapped tightly around him, breathing his amazing cologne. I don't think I will ever get sick of it.

"I thought you were Matthew or Brandon." I admitted quietly. His arms tightened slightly at the thought of Matthew but then he asked, "who's Brandon."

Oh... Right. He doesn't know. "Umm can we just not talk about it right now? I promise we can later.." I told him. He sighed and rested his Chin on the top of my head.

"Whoever he is he isn't a gang leader that could kick anyone's ass." He mumbled. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him with my face full of emotions.

"Gang leader?!" I said. My voice cracked in the middle of when I was talking but I could care less.

"Yeah me and the guys from school started a gang. What's wrong with that?" He asked innocently. I just walked away from him and back into my house.

I closed the door behind me but before I shut he flung it open and followed me. I could hear his pounding footsteps getting closer to me. "You don't walk away from me jewel!" His voice demanded. I just kept walking.

I didn't really know where I was walking but if I could get away from him that would be great. I felt him grab my wrist very tightly and Yank me back over by him. I helped by the sudden force and landed on his chest. "You don't get to just walk away from me baby. You're mine." He told me. He looked me straight in the eye and seemed to challenge me again.

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