||chapter 41||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

The car ride to the restaurant was slow and silent. Neither of us tried to make conversation and I was perfectly fine with that. I stared out of the window and memorized the roads and streets we were going on, so I could run out of the restaurant and get out.. For good.

He parked in a very fancy parking lot and turned off the car. He unbuckled himself first before doing the same for me. He got out of his door and I tried to but the door was locked. I sat there dumbfounded as Kian jogged over to the side of car and opened the door for me. He smiled brightly and it was just too contagious not to smile back.

I stepped out, careful not to roll my ankles on the asphalt in my pumps. He snaked his arm around my waist and we started walking. "I think you'll really enjoy this place, babe." He opened the door and guided me in to the dimly lit open area. "Hello, reservation for lawley. Somewhere private please." He spoke to the lady in front.

She nodded and guided us to a corner of the room at a table. I have to admit it was very fancy. A long with table sheet over a circle table. Two glasses of red wine, it was one of those restaurants that had about 500 forks for one person. I looked over and saw Kian pulling out the chair for me. I walked over and carefully sat in it as he pushed it in for me.

He took a sip of his wine right away. "Drink your wine babe. It will make this night a whole lot more fun." He ordered.

"I don't drink wine, sorry." I told him politely. He looked up at me from his menu.

"Well you're going to have to. If you don't then..." He trailed off. About 2 seconds later I felt a deep vibrating inside of me. My face flushed with heat and I sat uncomfterably in my chair. I crossed my legs trying to numb it but it was still there.

"Okay.. Okay I will." I confessed. The vibration stopped and I let out a sigh of relief. I took the wine glass up to my lips and sipped it lightly. I took another sip, but bigger, almost like a gulp. It was actually really good.

"Drink as much as you want, darling, I have connections here that will let us have everything for free." I nodded and kept drinking. Within 2 minutes i finished the whole glass. The waiter came and we had given him our orders.

"And another wine for the lady, please." Kian told him, winking. The waiter smirked and nodded. They probably just knew eachother somehow. The wine came out super fast, considering how many people were here. "Drink this one too, babe." He ordered. I shook my head.

"No thanks," I started saying. "I feel a little bit light headed from the last one." I refused. He chuckled a bit.

"Oh, darling, that only happens with the first one. Trust me, this one will help you feel better." He reassured.

Well I have nothing to lose right? I'll probably be raped tonight.. Twice. So I brought the glass up to my mouth and it smelled a whole lot better then the first one. I took a sip and it tasted amazing. Way better than the last one. I started gulping down the drink, unable to stop myself. I put the glass down, completely empty. "Umm.. *hiccup* I'm gonna go to the restroom. *hiccup*" I giggled.

I got up and stumbled in my pumps but kept going.

//Kian's p.o.v\\

I should have walked in there with her. Made sure she didn't runaway, but then again she was tipsy.. Maybe even drunk. She wouldn't run away.

I'm surprised she drank those glasses in so little time. I had the waiter put a shot of vodka in the first one, and filled the rest up with wine. Then when she finished that I motioned for the waiter to put 4 shots of vodka in it. Jewel just didn't see because I held up the number on my lap. She practically drank that in less than a minute. So even if she tries to run away, she won't get far.

//jewels p.o.v\\

I did my business and got back up, adjusting my clothes. The toilet flushes automatically and I stumbled from the noise. I giggled as I fell onto the bathroom stall, feeling the coldness on my skin. My eyebrows furrowed and I put my hand down to my vagina. I pulled out the vibrator. "Eww!" I whined.

I chucked it in the toilet and it flushed down the drain. I fumbled with the lock and finally pushed it open, stumbling out clumsily. I felt a cool draft come from the side of the room and saw an open window. This could be my moment to escape. Kian would never know and I could live a happy life again. I took off my pumps and walked over to the giant window. I stepped out of it, landing on the soft grass.

Without thinking I started sprinting, carrying my shoes along with. I looked at all the street signs, checking each one before I went down it. I went about a mile down and decided that was far enough. I started to walk down the sidewalk when I saw a familiar frame walking towards me. "Jewel?" The man asked.

I squinted my eyes to see him better. Everything started to become fuzzy and my balance was off. I walked closer to him. "Brandon?" I asked, hiccuping. He chuckled which caused me to giggle shyly.

"What are you doing out here so late?" He questioned. I looked at the ground. My memory was starting to go blank but then I remembered and my head shot straight up.

"I was on a date with Kian!" I said a little to happy to remember. "He was being mean to me so I didn't want to be there anymore." I pouted. "But I don't know where I am or how to get back to my house. It's been so long since..." I trailed off. I cut myself off before I said anything more.

"Since what, babe." He asked walking forwards. I took a step forward too but I fell on a crack in the sidewalk. Before I knew it my hands and head were against Brandon's chest and his arms were around my waist.

"Oh.. Sorry." I said giggling. I pushed myself off his chest only to be trapped there. "Umm Brandon?" I asked, my tone serious now.

"I think you need to go somewhere safe." He said, smirking down on me. His face didn't look nice from the way the street light was shining down on us in the dark. "Cmon my car is only a block away." He told me.

"I'm not sure.." I told him. I screamed as he picked me up. I started to slap his chest. "Let me go!" I begged.

"Jewel. Jewel stop!" He boomed. His loud voice made me flinch back. He always yelled at me like this when he was mad. It brought tears to my eyes so I crossed my arms across my chest and huffed. Clenching my teeth to keep the tears in he kept talking. "I promise I won't hurt you. It will just be one night then I'll take you back home."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest. "Okay."

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