||chapter 53||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

"Just breath in and out jewel. It will all be over soon!" Harry told me over my groans. The doctor started speaking to me.

"Okay are you ready, Jewel?" I nodded, my breathing hard. "Okay. 1,2,3, push!" He encouraged. I pushed with all my might. I scrunched my face up and probably broke Harry's hand in the process from squeezing so hard. "Okay jewel her head is starting to come out! Keep pushing!"

I pushed again. This process kept going for about 20 more minutes and soon enough I had a beautiful baby girl in my hands. "You did it, babe." I looked up at him and smiled. He pecked me on the lips and looked back down at our baby.

"Excuse me Mrs. Styles I need to take your baby for a moment." She said politely. I nodded and smiled, giving her the baby to wash off.

"We're actually starting a family.." Harry said nervously. I grabbed one of his hands to reassure him.

"It's okay Harry. You've been there for me all this time now it's my turn to be there for you. It will be hard but we will work through it together, I promise you." I spoke to him softly. He brought his head up and looked at me.

"I love you so fucking much, Jewel." He smiled and sat closer to me. He leant in and started to kiss my lips and I kissed back.

"I thought Harry Styles didn't swear.." I mumbled between my kisses. He smirked a bit into the kiss and responded.

"I don't care. I love you too much to not swear." He told me in between kisses. We heard a cough at the door. Harry quickly pulled away and we saw the doctor at the door.

"Yes um.. Can you please sign these papers for your new child. Just put the name, date, and your signature there and you'll be all set." He handed me the clipboard and I smiled, taking it from his hands.

I smiled writing down the name Crystal Faith Styles. I put the date down which was 7/10/15. I signed one of the lines and handed it to Harry. He had the biggest smile on his face, dimples showing very prominently. He signed it and it brought more tears to my eyes.

"Here is your new baby, Mrs. Styles." A nurse said handing me crystal.

"Thank you so much." I said smiling as I held crystal. "Hi crystal." I said as her eyes peeled open and looked at me. "I'm your new mommy." He told her smiling, my eyes welling up more.

I looked up at Harry. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked him. He looked hesitant at first but then nodded slightly.

He got up and I held her towards him as he took her from my hands. I heard her squeal as he started rocking her back and forth. I awed as he chuckled a little bit. "And I'm your new daddy!" He told her excitedly. She squealed again and we both laughed.

He sat back down on his chair and just held her while bouncing her up and down. "Aww she's falling asleep." He said quietly. I smiled seeing how gentle he was with her.

His hands were almost as big as her body and she was cradled in his arms. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead. She moved her arms up and touched his face before he sat back up right. He fingers found their way from his eyes to his nose to his mouth. She grabbed onto his lip and I laughed.

He just smiled looking down at her. She took her hand away and started to fall asleep again. Harry sat up straight and handed her back to me. I took her in my arms and watched her drift off to sleep.


"Daddy put me down!" Crystal squealed as Harry lifted her over his shoulder from playing soccer. I smiled watching them mess around together.

"Nope you cheated at soccer! You need to be put in the penalty box." Harry told her laughing at the end. I just shook my head chuckling at the scene unfolding in front of me. Harry set Crystal down in a pile of mud and she started screaming.

"I'm going to get you back, daddy!" She screamed. She got up and put two giant lumps of dirt in her tiny hands she ran over to him and smushed it on his face as he was still crouched down.

He gasped but before he toppled over he grabbed Crystal by the waist and dragged her with him. She squealed and laughed at him playfully. He lifted her up in the air and flew her around like an airplane.

She giggled as he soared through the air. I looked around our small backyard in our new house in New York. We started a little vegetable and fruit garden in the corner that was doing pretty good. We had a very nice patio with amazing furniture. There were mini soccer nets on each side of the yard up against the white picket fence.

I looked back over to Harry and Crystal to find her sitting on top of his chest. She was smearing mud all over his face and he was letting her. I sighed and stood up. "I'm going to get some water." I called out the them.

"Okay! Get a rag too please!" Harry called back laughing. "Crystal you got it in my mouth!" I heard Harry say followed by a spitting noise. I laughed as I opened the sliding glass door and walking in the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. I turned around and set it on the counter and I grabbed the whole roll of paper towels. I looked down at my new growing baby bump. Twice as big as when I was having Crystal because this time I'm having a boy and a girl. Only 4 more months until they are due and me and Harry are excited as ever.

I walked back outside with the roll of paper towels and my water. I sat back down on my chair and watched as Harry and Crystal walked over to me. He pulled up a chair across from me and sat down with Crystal on his lap. "If you loved me you would kiss me right now." Harry said, mud was covering all of his face and I was not going to kiss him like that.

"No!" I giggled. "I don't want mud on my face!" I laughed some more.

"Too late!" He exclaimed. He leaned over and kissed my lips, getting mud all over the bottom half of my face.

"Eww mommy and daddy are kissing!!" Crystal screamed. We laughed and pulled away. I took out a paper towel and wiped my face clean. I started cleaning crystals face and it took about 5 minutes to finished. She climbed off of Harry's lap and went to go play some more soccer. For a 4 year old she can be very mature some times.

I looked over to Harry to see him smirking at me. "What?" I asked confused as to why he was smirking.

"I'm just so lucky to have the two best girls in the world all to myself." He smiled. I smiled back and leaned in to wipe his face clean. He kept moving like a little kid.

"Harry stay still!" I told him getting quite frustrated. He huffed and stopped wiggling. He picked me up by the hips and placed me on his lap so I was still facing him. "Harry!" I squealed, putting my hands on his chest.

"What?" He asked playing dumb. I just shook my head and worked more on his face. I felt his hands lower from my back to my bum. He gently gave it a squeeze and I jumped.

"Harry stop!" I giggled and I worked around his eyes.

"Stop what?" He smirked as he squeezed my butt again. I giggled and finished his face. I climbed off of his lap and picked everything up to throw it away.

I opened the sliding glass door and closed it quickly after stepping in so I wouldn't waste the air conditioning. I opened the garbage and threw the muddy towels into it and shut it. I went back to put the paper towels back on the roll when I saw and note. I set the paper towels down and picked it up.

It wasn't there 20 minutes ago. I unfolded it and what it said nearly made me pass out on the spot.

I'm back, babe. xoxo-k

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