||chapter 43||

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//Kian's p.o.v\\

"What the fuck do you mean Kian?!" Cameron yelled.

"I mean, Jewel fucking ran away and I have no way to find her!" I screamed back. He may be stronger than me but I don't care, he doesn't scare me.

"We'll go look at styles' house she probably ran there." He reasoned. That was a good point.

I grabbed my keys and went out to the car. "Wait, bro, let me come with." He yelled behind me. I groaned on the inside, I didn't want him there with me. "Cmon you're gonna need backup."

"You're right." I turned around and smiled. "Hey Matt, want to come with me to find jewel?" I yelled. Within seconds Matt was by my side and we were walking out the door.

//jewels p.o.v\\

I laid in the bed breathless. I can't believe he did it again. He did it again and just left the room, not a single word. I was not going to cry. I was too mad to cry.

Why should I even care anymore? My life is so fucking boring and useless. God is up there saying lets make jewel a toy for random boys to fuck around with. Oh and also lets have one of them kill her mom, and her dad. So she won't have any family left.

I started gripping the sheets in anger until they almost ripped. "Why?" I whispered. "Why does my life suck so fucking much?" I didn't even shout it. I didn't even feel like a human anymore. Why should I? I'm not treated like one.

"Jewel come down here now!" Brandon boomed from downstairs. I sat up, putting my clothes on me that were previously ripped off my him. I took slow steady steps down the stairs, each on burning between my legs. "What took you so long, bitch?!" He yelled.

"What do you want?" I asked calmly. He walked towards me and took my chin in his hands. I stared him in the eyes, showing I wasn't scared.

"We're going to the mall to go shopping. Then maybe you can present yourself as decent when I have friends over." His grip tensed before he let go. "Now put this on, my friend dropped it off." He handed me a bundle of clothes.

I walked upstairs and put on the clothes. Obviously his friends boob size was tiny and her shirt was too small for me as my chest was literally falling out and the shirt was skin tight. I put on the tennis shoes and walked up to a full body mirror. It wasn't that bad of an outfit.

I trudged downstairs and saw Brandon waiting for me. "Okay," he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to his car. "Let's go." He let go of my arm, trusting me not to run, when we got outside. It was useless.

I know the drill. I run. Get caught by Kian or Brandon. They tie me up and drive me back to their house. Where I'm tortured in many way. Probably rape, cutting, or watching my other friends get hurt. After that they apologize and say the "I'm only doing this for your own good" bullshit. He carries me upstairs and cuddles with me until he falls asleep. Then I wake up to an empty bed.

But this time I wasn't gonna take it anymore. I knew where I was and I know how to get home from here. We were on opposite sides of the car and I felt a strange glimpse of hope in my body. I opened the door and not a second later slammed it, sprinting out of his driveway and down the road.

I heard him shouting after me and of course he was going to use his car to chase after me. I got to the town and saw an alley. I ran down it, desperate to get away from Brandon.

I hid behind the dumpster and watched his car pass by the alley, slowly.

"Please I'll give you money! Just don't hurt me!" I heard a girl scream. I scrunched myself up against the dumpster and watched it all play out.

"How about this, lads. Another girl that tries to bribe us." A familiar British accent said. I got up and started walking away slowly, backwards, not wanting to get involved. I hit one of those tin garbage cans and it knocked over quite loudly.

They all turned their heads from the girl, to me. "Oh looks like we got another one, mates." I kept walking. "Get her." He ordered. I started running out of the alley, trying to get away from them.

Not 3 feet out of the alley I was snatched and pulled back in there. "Let me go! Get off of me!" I screamed. At the end of the alley was a brick wall and I was dragged all the way down there and thrown at the wall. "Ow.." I mumbled when I hit the ground.

"Wait... Is that you jewel?" I heard the same familiar British accent ask. I looked up at him, very confused why him and his friends would be in an alley.

"Harry?" I said softly. I picked myself up and stood on my feet. I had to blink multiple times to see him right. But his eyes looked solid black, not the green that he would have. "What were you doing to that girl before?" I asked, looking to see if she was still there but I guess she ran away.

"You don't have to know right now. What are you doing in an alley?"

"I ran away from Kian. Then Brandon got me. So I ran away from him and ran in the alley to hide." I explained.

"Jewel, you never hide in an alley. Bad things happen in them." He chuckled. It wasn't his normal funny chuckle, it was dark and evil sounding. I backed away from him.

"I thought we were friends, Harry.." I mumbled. He raised his hands to run them through his hair and I flinched, thinking he would hit me.

"Okay we're going back to my house.. I'm not letting get taken by those freaks again."

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