||chapter 51||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

Harry's mouth dropped open after I said the words but he quickly closed it. "Harry please say something." I begged. I couldn't read what emotions he was hiding behind his eyes. The just stared at me blankly. In a split second his hands on my thighs tightened and I whimpered. "Harry, why are you acting weird today?" I asked confused. I tried to shuffle further back on the counter.

I thought he was going to hurt me. Just lash out on me from anger or something but he moved his hands to my waist and kept me in place. He actually slid me closer to him as he walked closer to the counter. I flinched back scared of what he was going to do to me. But then he did the most unexpected thing I could imagine.

He bent down to my belly and spoke to it. "Hello little boy or girl in there. I'm your daddy. You'll see me in nine months and even though I can't see you right now I know for a fact that I love you. I love you very very much." He finished with kissing just above my belly button and came back up.

It brought tears to my eyes to see him like that. He was so gentle and compassionate. I've never really had a boyfriend like that. "And I love your mom so much as well." He spoke to the baby but had his eyes locked on mind. I covered my mouth with my hand, preventing the sobs to escape from my mouth.

Tears started falling down my cheeks and he looked at me worried. He wiped them away as they kept falling with his thumb. "What wrong, babe? Aren't you excited to have a beautiful baby?" He asked, his voice smooth and calming.

"I am excited. Im so excited to know that I'll bring life to this earth. Im even more excited to know that you'll stay with me every step of the way. Im just scared, Harry." I sighed and looked down. "I'm only 19 and I'm going to be having a baby. We aren't even married. You still have to go to college. It's going to be hard to raise him up and I don't know if I can handle it." I spoke looking down at my belly.

I felt his hands sneak under my thighs and lift me up from the table. He brought us over to the couch and sat us down. I was now straddling his lap as I sat on top of him. "Listen, Jewel. I understand what you're thinking. Well I don't fully understand because I'm not a beautiful woman having a baby but still. I get it. I understand why you're scared. Hell, I am too. But if we are going to keep this up we have to be there for each other. I swear to you I will always be there for you." He told me. He glanced from my eyes, to my belly, and back to my eyes again.

"There's an amazing human growing inside of you that will change our life's forever and it's gonna be fucking scary. But I got into a college nearby. I will still be living here, with you. When I'm at classes I guarantee one of the other boys will be here to help." He kissed me on the forehead again.

"I planned dinner plans tonight at a very fancy place. We need to leave at about 5:30 to get there by six. Wear a dress or something because it is very very classy. I love you." He told me. He brought his face down to my stomach. "And I love you too!" He said kissing right above my belly button again, causing me to giggle.

"Okay now go get ready. It's 1 and I know how long it takes for you to get ready!" He said. He stood up and lifted me up and set me on the ground. He pecked my lips before I walked upstairs to make myself look perfect for this soon to be perfect night.


It was five already and I admired myself in the mirror. I was wearing an aqua dress that went around mid thigh. It was a high-low though so it flowed out in the back that I loved. The top was tight and strapless and it had a cute silvery leafy pattern coming from the side of my waist. It was my favorite dress by far.

My makeup was a silver smokey eye with a simple little winged eyeliner. I put on fake lashes that flared out and just brought the whole look together. I stepped out of the bathroom and slipped on my silver sparkly pumps and I was ready to go.

I checked my phone and realized it was 5:20. But it was also blowing up with texts.

I know where you are, princess.

You look lovely.

I really like how that dress fits your body. I would like it better off of you though;)

I knew that it could have been only one person, Kian. The number was blocked and to be honest I was freaking out. I texted the number back.

Leave me alone, Kian.

Not a minute later they replied.

I will for your date. I'm mean but not that mean. But afterwards? Oh I'm going to get you and fuck you so hard.

He texted back. He was happy he was going to leave me alone for our date but what about after. If I'm by Harry than nothing bad will happen.. Right? I figured I have to tell Harry before Kian ruins everything. I grabbed my phone and my purse before hurrying to the door.

If you tell Harry i will call the police. I'll tell them he's been abusing you they will throw him in jail. I will only punish you harder if you do that, princess;)

I huffed and walked downstairs, my plans of telling Harry down the drain. "You look..." He trailed off, looking at me up and down. "You look phenomenal." He stuttered out. I blushed and looked at him in a fancy tuxedo.

"So do you." I replied politely.

"Ready to go?"


"I'll have the steak, medium rare please." Harry told the waiter. He handed him our menus and the waiter left. I just looked at Harry.

I stared into his beautiful green eyes. The same color green that will hopefully be on our little boy or girls face. They'll have my brown hair. Harry's teeth. Perfectly straight and so white. I snapped myself out of my thoughts.

"So what do you want to talk about while we wait?" I asked. Unsure of what to do. I've never really been on a date like this.

"Well..." He trailed off. "You know how much I love you. I really do. I know you have had guy in the past that tell you that and then they hurt you. But I hope over the last year that I have proved to you that I will never hurt you." He paused and I smiled, waiting for him to continue. "You're so special to me jewel. I want to start our family off right." I had a feeling I know where this was going. But he wouldn't.. Would he?

He got up to soon bend down on one knee. He fished a tiny square black velvet box and opened it slowly. It revealed at beautiful diamond encrusted ring that I just couldn't stop staring at. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

I felt my heart skip a beat before up jumped up the same time he did. "Yes! Yes I will marry you Harry Edward styles!" I said maybe a bit too loud. I heard many awws from people around us. We hugged and he spun me around and couple times, squeezing my waist tightly.

He set me down. "Let's see how this looks on you." He took the ring out and slipped it on my finger perfectly. It brought tears to my eyes. This was actually happening. I'm getting married and I'm pregnant. "We're going to start an official family, Jewel." He told me.

"Is this actually happening?" I choked out.

"Yes, it is." He told me. He pulled me in by the hips and kissed me on the lips. My arms found their way around his neck while he kissed me nice and slow.

This is actually happening.

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