||chapter 29||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

I fell asleep in my mums bed after that, clenching her sheets, smelling the sweet scent I wouldn't be able to smell anymore soon. I woke up 2 hours later and got out of the bed. I stretched my back out and cracked multiple joints.

I walked to the bathroom and saw my eyes really red and puffy. I sighed, remembering the events before. I don't think I could cry anymore, all of my tears were gone. I stepped out of the bathroom and only now did I realize that my mum was gone.

He body wasn't in the room anymore and the red stains of blood was off of the wood floor. He chair was back to where it was, completely clean, by her desk. It looked like it never even happened, and that's what I wished it was. I wanted it just to be a bad dream. I don't know what to do without my mum.

I trudged downstairs and sat at the counter. It was oddly quiet and I saw my phone was constantly buzzing. I picked it up and was about to open it when I heard a voice in my right ear.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." It whispered, hoarse. Of course it was Brandon, who else would it be. I opened it anyway and saw a lot of texts from Niall, Liam, and Kian. I wanted to respond to them all but their messages made me sad.

I got off of the chair and walked over to the fridge, getting out a tall glass of water. I saw Brandon watch my every move out of the corner of my eye. I took a sip of the water and sat on the counter. Brandon walked over to me and stood in between my legs.

He rubbed my bare thighs and looked up at me, apologetically. "Jewel. You need to know that I'm sorry for what I did. You just needed to be out in your place." He said.

"Bullshit." I spat at him. I threw y cold glass of water in his face and he seemed taken aback. I wasn't going to bow down to him anymore. He took it too far with his little games. That was the last straw.

I jumped off the counter and started walking to the couch when my back was thrown against a wall. I whimpered at the sudden impact on my back and opened my eyes to see Brandon towering over me.

He took my hips in his hands and kept me pinned against the walls. "I gave you a chance jewel," he chuckled, "a slight chance for you to get on my good side. Obviously you didn't take the hint. So here's how it's gonna go down. You are going to come with me, back to my house." He Smirked a bit. Looking me up and down.

I tried my best to keep my tough face on, even though I was scared shitless. "Once we get home, you're going to break up with this Kian bitch. The rest is up for me to know, and you not to find out." His grip moved from my hips to my waist. He brought me close to him.

But before our chests touched I out my hand on his, to keep us apart. He growled a bit when I did this. "Fuck off brandon." I seethed.

"That's it jewel." He threw me over his shoulder and started walking to the door. I grabbed my phone from the counter without Brandon knowing. I opened it up and typed a message to Kian.

J- Kian, you need to get the location on my iPhone and track me down. Brandon has me and he's taking me to his house. I don't know his address, I just need you to get me.. ASAP.

He responded right away.

K- okay babe. I'm getting your location right now. If you can get his license plate number text it to me so I can find him.
J- okay, thanks!

"Brandon I wouldn't do this!" I told him as he threw me in the back of his Range Rover. The backseats were down so it was just a flat area. I slipped my phone in my front pocket, knowing he would check the back ones.

"Too bad jewel. You're mine, and I'm going to prove it to you." He told me. He got out some rope in the backseat. I started tying my ankles together. I squirmed around as I sat so he wouldn't get my wrists.

I had my cast off and i only had my brace on my wrist so it was still pretty delicate. "Stay still!" He boomed. I froze.

I haven't heard him say anything like that since the night he raped me. He smirked at his control over me and took my wrists. He started tying them extra tight and I yelped quietly as it hurt my sore wrist.

"You're not going to get away with this brandon. Kian will find me, and when he does he will punch your face in. I will never love you!" I hissed at him. He took out some duct tape and without saying a word, stuck it over my mouth.

I started screaming into the tape and he just laughed at me struggling. "It feels so good to have complete control over you. Now, don't make me use the rag." He warned me.

My eyes opened wide as he said that. "Good girl." He praised. He closed the door and got in the driver seat.


Brandon carried me in his house and I thought there was no use of struggling. He opened his door and walked in. "My parents are visiting my grandma for a week so they aren't going to be home." I could just imagine the deadly smirk plastered into his face.

Kian's going to be here soon and I hope that he brings backup. Brandon beat up Liam and Liam is the strongest guy I know. He carried me into the living room and dropped me on the couch. I begged him not to do this with my eyes.

He ripped of the tape off of my mouth and I screamed a bit from the sudden pain. "Don't do this brandon." I warned.

"Too late sweetheart." I shuddered at the name he gave me. He always told me that when we were 'dating'.

He started untying my wrists and I watched him confused. If he wants to take advantage of me why would he untie me? After he was done I stretched out my limbs.

"Now, you're going to kiss back. Don't, and you you know the punishment." He told me. I slightly whimpered from how he told me that.

He got on top of me and started to kiss me. My mouth was already slightly open and he used that to his advantage. He growled, knowing I wasn't kidding him back.

I decided not to make him any more mad, so I started to kiss back. He smiled into the kiss and paused a second before putting more pressure on my lips. I kissed back just as hard. I was sort of getting sucked into the kiss and it felt like I had no control over myself.

I started to lace my hands into his hair and moaned into the kiss. He started trailing his lips down to my neck and kissing it slowly. He pulled back for a second. "I gave you a good one, didn't I babe?" He asked. His voice almost mocking me.

I just hummed in response. "I bet I could do better." Another voice challenged. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up. I saw Kian leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed, watching us.

"Get off my girlfriend." Kian said with clenched teeth. He said it so quietly it was probably more scary than him yelling.

Surprisingly Brandon got off. I sat up and watched this play out. "Jewel, get over here now." He said, a little more calmly but it still scared me. I quickly scrambled up and walked over to him.

Until I felt a grasp on my forearm. I was tugged back by Brandon. "No. Jewels mine, and she needs to realize that."Brandon spat back.

Kian gave me a harsh look and I bowed my head. I squirmed out of Brandon's grasp and quickly walked to Kian. "We are going to go. Follow us, and I will have my people hurt you, bad." And with that Kian took my hand and guided me out the door.

"Like I said jewel. This isn't over yet." I heard Brandon shout before we slammed the door. Once we were out of Brandon's sight Kian put his grip on my forearm, rather hard might I add.

"Jesus Christ jewel, doesn't your mum ever take care of you?" He asked. I froze, the only thing keeping me moving was Kian pulling me to the car.

I got in the passenger seat while Kian got in the drivers. Tears were starting to well up in my eyes again, just by the thought of my mother. He drove me back all the way to my house and walked me to the doorstep again.

"Look, Kian I'm so-" but I was cut off by the sudden impact of my back hitting the wall. I gasped from the force that was put on me.

"I'm going to pick you up tomorrow at 10. Were gonna go back to my house for a home date. So be ready." He demanded. He pulled me closer by my hips and put his forehead against mine. "Mans next time you think of kissing other guys, you should be ready for a consequence." He warned. He kissed my cheek and walked off.

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