||chapter 37||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

1. No trying to run or escape. Major consequences will happen.

2. Stay inside at all times. Go outside and consequences may happen.

3. You can use your phone for 15 minutes a day. If we find you calling 911 or telling anybody anything about us. Major consequences will happen.

4. Do whatever me and the boys tell you to do. Talk back and minor consequences will happen.

5. No having any sexual interactions with the other boys in the house. You won't want to know what happens.

Disobey any of these and a punishment will happen.

I scoffed at the note Kian gave me. If he really loved me he wouldn't put me through this. "I'm not following these rules." I told him, handing back the paper. He took it and pinned it up against the wall.

"Yes you are, babe." He pulled me towards him, the chains on my wrist clinging together. He squeezed me close to him while I struggled getting out. "You're ours now. There's no way you can leave. You need a card to leave the house. All the doors have a card activated opener and if you don't have one you can't leave." That didn't keep me from struggling even more.

"I'm not yours... I'm not anybody's! Let me go, you're psychotic Kian! Normal people don't do this to innocent girls!" I screamed. His eyes filled with rage.

He put his hand up and swung, making contact with my face as it sounded like a gunshot. I fell to the floor from the impact and screamed in pain. "I have all the reason to hurt you jewel. Your stupid brother embarrassed me in front of the entire school. Then when it was just getting fun he goes back to England?! But when I found out he had a sister, oh jewel, your life is going to turn into a living hell."

I looked at him from the floor. "I don't even have a brother!" I said once again from that first day of school. "I'm an only child and my mom was my only family. You want to know why, Kian?! Because my dad was murdered, by a gang!" I screamed at him. I slowly made myself get up from the floor. "I made a promise to my mum. A promise saying I would never get involved with gang activity! Yet here I am kidnapped my a gang for no fucking reason. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore right?! Because my mom was murdered! Right in front of my two fucking eyes. By who? My old abusive boyfriend! So if you're going to treat me like this I'm leaving!" I seethed at him. I was breathing hard by now, out of breath from how much energy that took. I jumped on Kian and started punching him.

I straddled his waist as I repeatedly punched his face. I gave him a bloody nose and that's when I felt myself being pried off of him. I started kicking and screaming, "NO! LET ME HURT HIM! He's hurt me too many times!" I screamed, rage coursing threw out my body.

Whoever was holding me back was pretty strong because I couldn't get out of their grasp. I looked behind me and saw Cameron. "No! No let go of me right now you fucktard!" I screamed at Cameron, now putting my attention to clawing at his arms.

He huffed in annoyance and pinned me against the wall. He put his hand to my neck and lightly squeezed. I put my hands around his wrist, trying to pry his hands off. "Now listen, Jewel. That was the biggest mistake ever. You're going to follow the rules we gave you and you're not going to refuse them." His grip got tighter around my neck and it was starting to hurt a lot.

all I could get out was a mutter of a word so I balled up my spit in my mouth and spat it in his face. He wiped it off with the back of his hand. That made him more than angry. He lifted me up on the wall so my feet couldn't touch the ground. He was starting to choke me and I couldn't breath.

I tried getting a breath in but the more I struggled the worse it got. "Cameron put her down." Kian's hoarse voice said. I was released by Cameron and I fell to the ground, breathing the hardest I could. I felt myself being picked up by both of my wrist. I stood there limp, all the energy was out of me.

I looked to the left and saw Cameron holding one of my wrists. To the right was the guy I didn't know yet holding my right wrist. "Hold her still jc and Cameron." So that was his name... Jc. Why did it sound so familiar?

"You just never learn do you, princess." That name made me cringe.

"Don't call me that." I seethed.

"Oh, I'm sorry princess. You don't get to beat me up. So in return maybe I should beat you up too. This is only helping you learn babe." And with that punches were blown all over me. Mostly in my face and stomach. Each punch lead me closer to blacking out. After 5 minutes of this I kind of wished I did. "Let her go." He heard Kian say.

I felt myself falling to the ground and once I did I cringed from the pain of the hard floor. But I guess those five minutes weren't enough because he started kicking my stomach and legs which really hurt because of my shot and my knee. I could walk on it finally but it still hurt horribly.

Then suddenly the pain was over. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I felt a presence next to my face and I opened my eyes. Kian was looking over me, crouched down to my level. "Please..." I mumbled softly. "Please don't hurt me."

He frowned at my words. "You know I won't hurt you unless you deserve it." I really wanted to argue with that but I was exhausted and I didn't want to get hurt anymore. He picked my up carefully, my body limp in his arms. I set me down on the couch and straddled my hips.

My head was turned to the side, eyes closed, wanting to just fall asleep into my dreams. I felt soft lips on my neck sucking slightly. My head slowly turned to kian and I kept my eyes closed. "Stop... Stop please." I begged again.

I opened my eyes to see Kian looking over my body. He placed his hands on my waist and I shuddered as part of his cold hands touched my exposed skin. He lifted my shirt up so he could only see my stomach.

He looked at the scar from the bullet, still fresh. He traced over it with his finger softly. I felt his warms lips replace his finger on the bullet wound and his kisses trailed themselves upwards. He skipped my boobs and went to my chest. He kissed me all the way up to my lips and only pecked my lips.

"Look at me, princess." I still cringed at that name. I reluctantly opened my eyes. I saw his eyes staring straight in mine. "You're mine." He demanded.

I sighed annoyed by how persistent he was about this. "Say it." He pressed.


"Say it." He forced. I felt his hands dig into my waist, making me flinch from the fresh bruise. "Say it now, princess."

"I'm your's."

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