||chapter 4||

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//Courtney's p.o.v\\

I was standing out side of the school doors, pissed off that kian and his friends took my car. They always do this and they think it's funny.

I pulled out my phone and decided to call him, not to have a civil conversation or anything, to finally tell him what I think of him and his little gang.

"Kian bring my car back right now!" I practically screamed into the phone

"Why should I?" He taunted, obviously amused by how he gets me mad.

"Because it takes me and hour to walk home and I'm wearing high heels so just bring it back to school and your a dick!" I explained.

"Okay I will." He agreed, thank god. Sometimes he doesn't and I would have to get the car the next day.

"Thank you!"

"But only if I get some answers."
//jewels p.o.v\\

I stood there admiring what that mystery guy did to my face. It was slowly changing colors, from brown to green to a darkish purple right now.

I heard a knock on my door and asked who it was.

"It's Courtney!" She yelled behind the door. Oh god, I can't let her see this bruise.

"Uh, I, wait one second!" I yelled back. I opened the drawers that my makeup was in and was about to apply it.

"Jewel let me in now I need to talk to you! Don't make me kick this door down!" She threatened.

I put on a little bit of concealer and opened the door. She looked from my eyes, to my cheek, and back to my eyes. I couldn't really tell how she was feeling... Her face was expressionless.

She walked in and told me to close the door, and I did. She sat on my bed with a 'huff' noise, and buried her head in her hands.

"What did kian do to you?" She asked. I sat down next to her confused as to who kian was still.

"I don't know anyone named kian!" I told her.

She sighed and told me, "he's like the 'group leader' of those 5 boys we were talking about at lunch." She looked in my eyes, probably trying to see if I had any clue. "Look, I don't know how much you know about him, but I do know that he 'talked' to you in the hallway after lunch. And when he tells me he 'talks' to people, it's usually not good."

Wait... She's friends with that bastard? "Does he have dark brown hair and really bushy eyebrows?" I asked just to make sure we were talking about the same person.

She nodded slowly and everything rushed back to me all at once.


"Wrong." His American accent whispered in my ear.

"Can you please take your arms off of me?" I asked as politely as I could.

"Make me." He said at a regular talking volume. All of a sudden his arms tightened, pulling my back into his chest. He was squeezing my lungs and it was getting hard to breathe.

I took my hands off of the lock and started prying his arms off of me. He wouldn't let go so I did a different tactic. I have pretty long nails so I decided to scratch him until he let go.

I clawed at his arms until 10 seconds later he let go. I fell to the ground laid there, trying to regain my breath.

"Bitch!" He said and kicked my stomach. I curled up into a ball from the impact and looked up at his arm. He was bleeding but it wasn't even that bad.

"Guys the teachers are coming back!" Someone warned.

"Shit, okay. Somebody pick her up and follow me." I heard the one that kicked me said.

I was thrown over the shoulder by some pretty strong guy, and considering his shoulder was digging in to my stomach it didn't really help my situation. Especially since they were running so I was practically bouncing up and down on his shoulder.

They took me into this one room and set me down on my feet, it looked like the janitors closet.

"Tell anybody what we did to you, and you'll regret it." The one that hurt me before said.

I started coughing because of my stomach and said, "you're a bitch!" Which resulted in me getting a slap to the face.

I skipped chorus that day and stayed in the closet when the boys left.

•end of flashback•

I decided to tell Courtney that whole story. It might not have been the best idea because she started freaking out but, I'm just gonna ignore them if they ever talk to me again... Hopefully I will be fine.

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