||chapter 19||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

"What the hell was that jewel?" Courtney asked me. She grabbed my cast and stopped us from walking. "We aren't going to math until you tell me what and who that was." She demanded.

"Umm..." I started saying. I wasn't sure if I could tell her, or if kian wanted it to be a secret. But I can trust Courtney can't i? I don't want to start spreading rumors though if she tells people.

"Jewel... Where are you?! Should I come look for you?" I heard kian say again.

"Jewel don't make me drag you into the janitor closet and force you to tell me..." Courtney said getting frustrated.

I was about to say something but I kept stuttering, I couldn't make out the words in a good order. Courtney grabbed both of my wrists with her hands and lead me to the janitors closet. "No! Courtney! Just let it be!" I pleaded.

"No, not until you tell me who is talking to you and why." Then she opened the closet door and pulled me in, closing the door behind us.

"Courtn..." I was about to finished but couldn't because I was shocked of what I saw.

Matthew and bethany making out. Bethany was shirtless, only in a bra, and matthew was disgustingly feeling her up until Courtney cleared her throat.

They both looked at us and I stared back, shocked.

//kians p.o.v\\

Jewel still wasn't answering me and I was actually becoming nervous. I know what matthew can do and I don't want her to be taken advantage of, well at least not yet.

It's 10 minutes in to class and both jewel and matt were gone. "Mrs. Whitner, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. She nodded her head, sort of seeming mad that I interrupted her. Whatever.

I briskly walked to the door and out into the hall. The hallways were completely empty so that means 3 things at least. Matt took her to the guys bathroom, took her to the janitors closet, or took her home again.

I'm just gonna pray that it's not that last one. I decided to check the bathroom first, but didn't find anyone except for this one guy jacking off in one of the stalls. I quickly walked out of their, in more of a rush to find jewel.

I went to the janitors closet next. I heard some shuffling in there and my heart raced a little faster before i opened the door. Once I opened it I was shocked with what I saw.

Courtney and bethany were both fighting, mostly verbally but some physically, about something. Matts hair and Bethany's hair were messed up quite a lot, and Bethany's shirt was on inside out....

I saw jewel was trying to break them up by getting directly in the middle of them. Matthew was sitting there patiently watching on a bucket. "I can't believe you would fucking kiss him you slut!" Courtney yelled at bethany. She lunged for her head and almost knocked over jewel.

"Woah woah woah woah!" I said loudly, trying to talk over their voices. That didn't help much so I went in and grabbed jewel by the waist and pulled her out of it. I wrapped my arms all the way around her waist and held her very close to me.

Jewel looked up at my eyes and I felt her relax once she knew it was me. "Please make them stop!" She begged. I nodded.

I kept my arms wrapped around her tightly, feeling her warm back against my chest. It relaxed me actually. "Matthew, grab Courtney!" I told him over their fight. He nodded and picked Courtney up by the waist and sat down in his previous corner, Courtney on his lap.

I noticed Courtney kept shifting in his grasp trying to get back to bethany. While bethany was just standing there breathing heavily and trying to fix her hair and her shirt.

//jewels p.o.v\\

I was being held in kians arms with my back resting against his chest. My head was leaned against his chest and it was so relaxing being held by him.

I saw Courtney not being comfortable in Matthews arms. "Matthew let go of Courtney." I told him.

He just looked at me and said, "why do you care?" All snotty like.

"Because look at her!" I started. "She's literally clawing at your arm to get away from you!" I said.

He looked down at her and seemed surprised that she was actually clawing his arm. "Well would you like to trade spots with her?" He asked smirking. I looked at him wide eyed as he put down Courtney of the floor and started walking slowly towards me and kian.

I put my hands on kians that were wrapped around my waist still. I weaved my fingers into his and slightly squeezed telling him that I was getting scared. He let go of me and matthew started walking fast once I was let go.

I went back to kian and hugged his side. "Shh baby, it's okay." Kian assured me. He guided me to behind his back so I was in the corner and he was standing in front of me. I fisted his shirt in my hands and Matthew was about a foot away from him.

I kept my face in kians shirt, hiding my anxiety. "Kian just let her go. We all know you don't like her because of her brother and your just using her. You'll never treat her like I would. I know your plan kian, should I tell her right now? Or are you going to move so I can 'talk' to jewel?" Matthew bargained.

What did he mean by kians 'plan'? Wasn't kian talking about that when he got me from Matthews house?

"People change matthew. Just because I didn't like her brother doesn't mean I'm not going to like her now. I was a jerk for those 2-3 days, but I'm going to make it up to her no matter what." Kian said calmly. I put my forhead on Kians back and breathed in deeply.

"Thank you." I whispered only loud enough for kian to hear.

"Bullshit." I heard matt say. "Courtney and Beth go back to class you don't need to know about this." He told them. They didn't move an inch. wanting to see what was going on I peeked my head from behind kians shoulder and saw a very angry matt and two very confused girls. "Go! Now!" Matthew seethed.

The girls scrambled out of the room and shut the door behind them. "I'm fucking sick of you bossing me around kian. Since day one when this bitchs brother came to America. I'm done with your shit. I'm going to do what I want and you can try to stop me, but trust me I will beat you up. You and I both know I'm stronger." Matthew said. I heard him walking closer to kian and they were probably pretty close now.

I backed up more so I was all the way in the corner. "And what exactly do you plan on doing?" Kian asked so calmly it was scary.

"Take what I want."

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