||chapter 33||

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//jewels p.o.v\\
I woke up to the bed being empty again. I sighed and got up to go to the bathroom. It was on the other side of the hall next to his room so that was convenient. I did my business and washed my hands.

I looked up in the mirror and saw multiple giant bruises on only one side of my face. I flinched as I ran my hand over my cheek. I sighed, knowing I had to get out of here fast or else things will get much worse. I found some clothes right next to my bed with a note attached.

It read, "hey babe, me and the guys are out for reasons you don't need to know yet. I've picked out these clothes for you to wear and you better put them on or else. Don't even think about escaping, Shawn is there to look after you while the rest of us will be gone until 2. Love, Kian" I scoffed as I saw he wrote the word love.

I looked to the clock and saw it was 9 so that gave me five hours with no Kian trying to kill me. I obeyed his note and put on the clothes. The shorts were way too short and the top way so tight I could barely breath. He once again put out another push up bra, and this time a thong. After I put everything on, disgusted with what I had just done for him, I saw another note on the nightstand. It was probably hidden under the clothes.

"Don't bother trying to find other clothes and changing. I locked the closet that has everything in there. By the way, don't do anything with Shawn... You'll get a worse consequence. I don't like to share jewel." I hugged and walked downstairs.

I saw Shawn sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. "Hey." I said quietly. He turned around and smiled. I realized that I was the same guy that gave me the really regretful look. He seemed nice at least.

"Hi jewel, how are you?" He asked very politely. I sat down across from him and we just started to talk.

"I'm fine, yourself?" I smiled as he was actually the only nice one in this house.

After we talked for a while we sat on the couch together and watched tv. I wasn't quite sure of the name of the movie we were watching but it was a good movie. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn scooting a little bit closer to me every minute. I looked at the clock and saw it was only 10:30 so I still have about three hours of not being hurt my Kian.

He turned to me and I looked back at him. "What did he do to you?" He asked quietly, glancing down to my cheek then back up to my face.

"Umm, I tried to run. Cameron caught me and Kian started hitting me." I told him looking down. For the first time I've been in this house my hasn't been forced back up. I slowly turned my head up to look at him cautiously.

"He shouldn't be allowed to do that to you. I'm so sorry for everything here jewel. But I promise you I'm going to help you through this. We just can't let the guys know." He assured me. I smiled really wide. Just knowing that someone was here to help me warmed my heart.

He leaned back into the couch and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. I put my hand on his chest, fiddling with his shirt, as I lay my head on his shoulder.

The warmth radiating off of him calmed me down a lot. I felt my eyes droop as he played with my hair. Soon enough I fell into a blissful sleep. One of the best sleeps I've had in the last 2 days.


"Wtf is going on here?!" I heard someone yell. My eyes jolted awake hearing the familiar voice. I looked up and saw Kian furious at me.

I quickly jumped out of shawns arms and went to the end of the couch. "Go upstairs jewel." He growled. His jaw was clenching and unclenching. I got up and ran up the stairs hastily until I got to kians room. I could hear him yelling at Shawn and I felt really bad because it wasn't shawns fault, I was the one that fell asleep on him.

I decided I should find a place to hide and try not to face my inevitable doom. There were no cupboards and the closet was locked so I didn't have any ideas of where I could hide. Under the bed looked like a really tight fit but if Kian doesn't think I can fit under there he wouldn't find me.

I heard his pounding foot steps come up the stairs and I knew I had to act fast. I squeezed under the bed just before he opened the door. "Where the fuck are you, Jewel?!" He boomed into the room.

I stayed as quiet as I could as I heard him pace around the room. "I don't like games, Jewel." He said a little too cheery, probably saying it like that just to scare me more. I felt a strong grip on my ankle and I pulled it back.

I guess he didn't realize it was my ankle at first because right when I moved it his grip tensed. "Gotcha." I heard him growl. I was soon pulled out from under the bed. I started screaming as he threw me in the bed.

I got off of it before he could pin my down and I cowered back into the corner. I was visibly shaking by now and Kian looked at me confused. "Why are you so afraid?" He asked calmly. A normal calm, not a scary calm.

"You'll hurt me.." I muttered quietly. I felt his presence in front of me in about 2 seconds. He put his hands on my cheeks as I looked up at him. I flinched from the sudden touch and his eyes filled with pain.

He took his hands away and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm so sorry babe. You just need to learn who's in control. So let's get back over there and get this over with fast." I scoffed at how he said that.

"I'm not doing what you want me to do Kian. I'm not your little play toy that you can do whatever you want with." I pushed his chest hard, making him stumble back.

He chuckled deeply. "But babe, your mine. That means I can do whatever I want with you." I sighed as I felt the familiar coolness of the wall on my back as I walked away from him.

He put his hands on either side of my head and leaned it. I pulled my head back as far away as I could... Until I heard screaming downstairs. I knew those voices, and they weren't Kian's friends.

The door flew open. "Let her go."

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