||chapter 21||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

"Matthew please don't do this!" I whimpered as he came closer to me. I was already back up into the corner of the stall and he was slowly walking forward.

He stopped about a foot in front of me, probably because the toilet was partially in the way. He slammed his hand on one of the walls about 3 inches from my head. I flinched and he still seemed pissed off.

"Fine. I'll make you a deal. But only Since it's Friday and I'm feeling good. If you come to my house after school today, I'll let you off easy with what im going to do to you." He smiled a creepy smile and put his free hand on my cheek. His face suddenly turned hard, "but if you don't, then I will come to your house. I'm not telling you what time, or what day. I'll take you back to my place and I will do the most horrible imaginable things to you." His hand tightened the grip on my cheek.

I started to drop my head down when matthew hand made its way to my chin. He put a death grip on it and tilted my head up. I winced and kept my eyes shut closed.

"Look at me jewel." I heard matthew seethe. I slowly opened my eyes and breathed in slowly as I looked matthew in the eye. "Good girl." He smirked. "Now, you know the deal. It's all your choice."

And with that he walked out of the bathroom.


The bell rang for lunch and we all rushed out of social studies to get food. Bethany and Courtney were sort of giving me the cold shoulder, and it sort of made me upset.

But it also made my anger for matt build up, he's the reason they aren't talking to me. I caught up with julianne and we started walking to lunch together.

We sat down together at the lunch table and just started talking about casual things. It felt really good, just to talk like a normal human being... Knowing that some creepy kid is going to kidnap me again.

I felt somebody tap my shoulder and I jumped a bit, still feeling tense about the whole matthew thing. I turned around and saw it was liam. "Uh... Hi?" I said awkwardly.

"Hey jewel. We were just wondering if you wanted to come over to our table, we sorta wanna talk to you..." He told me. I had to think of an excuse and fast.

"Umm, but I can't just leave julianne here by herself." I told him. But of course right on cue comes bethany and Courtney.

"Well it looks like she has some company, cmon lets go!" He said cheerily.

I stood up and took my tray, not wanting to fight with him, and walked over with him. I sat down next to Louis because he's the only one that I haven't yelled at and he's super funny and nice. "So Niall and I wanted to talk to you." Harry stated.

I nodded my head, telling them to go ahead. "Jewel," he sighed before going on. "I'm so so so sorry about what happened at my house and I can't believe my temper got the best of me. You know I would never ever mean to break your wrist in my life but it just sort of got out of control... I also wanted to ask you if you wanted to come back to my place to talk more. Jewel you need to give me a second chance!" He pleaded. "I have something super important to tell you that the boys can't hear so you need to come to my place, I can't drive you." He told me. His face was so sad looking and he was like a little puppy dog.

But I didn't want to show mercy with him and let my guard down, that's happened to many times and saw where it got me. I kept a straight face. "I guess, but I'm going to k-" I stopped mid sentence.

I looked 2 lunch tables down and saw matthew staring right at me. I stared back, it looked like he could hear what I was saying but he was all the way over there and it's loud in here. "Umm... I'm going to Kians house to work on the science project after school." I told them, thinking I was out of earshot of matthew.

I glanced back over at him and I saw him face harden. I figured that meant two things. Either he read my lips, or he was just trying to figure out what I was saying.

"Okay, well how about you text me if you change your mind." Niall suggested.

"I can't I lost my phone." I lied. They shouldn't know that matthew threw it out the car window.

"Okay well I'll pick you up at Kians place at 4:30. I know where he lives. You have no choice jewel, what I need to talk to you is important." He told me.

I huffed, thinking it was too late to change his mind. "Well I have to go get a pencil for chorus from my locker, I'll talk to you alter I guess." And with that I left.

I started going back down the senior hall, and knowing that it's this time of the day when I usually get attacked by someone I decided to make this trip quick.

I opened my locker quickly and got the pencil out, shutting it as fast as i could. I power walked out of the hall until matt showed up at the door way. "So, you're going to kians tonight? I thought you knew the deal." He said walking towards me.

I started walking backwards as he kept walking forwards. "I made a deal with kian that we would work on the science project.." I said, starting to stumble on my feet by how fast I was walking backwards.

Matthew picked up the pace so I did too. His strides were so long while mine were short because of how short I am. "Matthew why are you doing this?! You know that being mean to me won't make me like you back." I told him.

"Don't you get it jewel?!" He asked laughing a bit. "I don't want to date you. I want you to be mine, but for fun! You're so fucking sexy jewel, and you're feisty it's so hot." By this time I stopped walking, shocked at what he just said to and about me.

My emotions were all so high and over the place that my eyes started welling up. I could not cry in front of him, I'm not giving him that power. "No, shh princess don't cry." He said cradling my face.

"No, no! You can not do that! You can't just tell me that and think it's all fine." I told him. The tears were starting to stream down my face and he used his thumbs the wipe them off.

He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me, but I didn't hug him back. I looked around his shoulder and saw kian looking at us.

He had a busted lip and a bruised cheek.

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